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Three years later..(Killua and Gon are around 16 now, since 12 seems to young to become a god .. ;-;)

Bisky grumbled to herself, shoving clothes and belongings into her bag. She then snapped her head to glare at the white cat that sat on her bed, his tail twitching in amusement.

She kept eye contact and sat up, sighing to herself, she put a hand on her cheek and thought about the conversation that happened not to long ago.



"...Pretty please..?"

"No! Get that through your fat skull!"

Killua flailed his arms, "Come on! I'm literally begging you!" He face planted on the floor at her feet. "What else do I have to do??"

Bisky simply stared down at him in confusion. "Why do you even want to go to the town anyway?"

She leaned over him as to not step on the albino, grabbing some type of object. Another Gods festival was happening and it was her turn to go. Abe had went last time, brought back woman named Mito and a guilty looking Killua, who knew damn well that he wasn't supposed to go, and earned an earful and extra training for a month. It should have been two!

She walked over to her dresser and left Killua to sulk on the carpeted floor. "I'm still pissed at the stunt you pulled last time!"

Killua rolled onto his back. "Yeah, but I'm asking this time!"


"Can I go with you-"

"ARRGG-" She slammed her dresser closed and glared daggers at him. "-OKAY FINE!!" She took a sharp inhale and turned to fully look at him, speaking carefully. "You can go. But you have to behave."

She suddenly grinned to herself and stepped over the mess of her room and kneeled down infront of Killua, and tapped his forehead.

Killua blinked in confusion, and looked down at himself, now a cat. "I put a timer on you," Bisky grinned smugly. "You'll stay like that as we're at the town."

Now that she thought about it, she should have waited until he helped her pack. Well it's too late now, she was almost done anyway, and could always trust her magic if she needed it. ((Yes I give them magic-nen stuff))

She walked out of the room and Killua ran up until he was next to her feet, then leaped up onto her shoulder, making her stumble. "You love giving me a hard time, don't you." She hissed. Killua purred.


Bisky stepped into town. with Killua now walking at her feet. "I'm having you chose who gets to come back with us," She spoke. Killua twisted his neck to look up at her. She continued, "But don't do that-that thing you do, where you get biased and all that. Meet me back at the temple when your done."

And with that Killua ran off.


He crawled up some vines hanging on a small shop and looked down at the streets. He saw Bisky in the distance heading into the temple where they are supposed to live for the next few days.

His eyes zoned in on a store with a lovley smell coming from it, and music that made his eyes droop. With almost no thought at all, the cat made his way back down the store he was on top of and headed towards the bakery (it looked like a bakery to him).

He peered through the windows and saw a petite woman on stage, playing a violin.

He stepped towards the open doorway, then stopped. He still had to pick people out. Well, he could probably find someone in here, and there would still be time if he didn't find anyone.

He trotted inside, weaving his way around the feet and up in front of the stage. The music stops, and Killua looks up to see the women bowing, and then heading backstage.

Killua follows, trying to move as fast as he can without having to run. Having short legs is a pain.. He went backstage and sees the women talking to someone, though his view of them was blocked.

"Thank you for letting me play here Kurapika." The women's voice was soft spoken. "I love how the place looks."

The other person spoke. "It's really no problem, if anything I should thank you. Your music is absolutely beautiful. I hope you can do this sometime again?"

The women nods, and turns to leave, and finally sees Killua. "Oh, what a pretty cat." She leaned down, and held her arms out, and Killua immediately took the offer and curled up in her arms. She stood, and turned back to Kurapika. "Unfortunately, I can't take him back with me. The place I rented doesn't allow pets."

She gently petted Killua reaching behind his ears, and earning a pleased purr.

"I could take him in." Kurapika suggested. "You can come visit him. I promise we'll take good care of him Melody."

We'll? There are more?

"What a wonderful idea!" Melody hands Killua to Kurapika. "I'll be back tomorrow."

She leaves, and Kurapika started to walk towards the house connected to the bakery.


Kurapika closes the door behind him and sets Killua on the ground. He watched as Killua jumped onto the couch and curl up. "Stay here for a little bit," Kurapika said. "I'll get you some leftovers from the bakery, and I'll send Gon back here so he can watch you. Me and Leorio should be back soon after."

Killua raised his head at the mention of Gon. What luck I have today.

A wave of anxiety washed over him. What if he recognizes me?

He already decided it's too late to turn back now. If Gon was mad, that's fine. If he's not, that's also fine.

Killua has decided to bring 4 people back with him and Bisky.

Gon. (Obviously, he hasn't really talked to him. But he was very kind last time Killua saw him. And he kinda owes him for taking Mito.)

Kurapika. (He also mentioned a guy named Leorio, so he'll have to get that one too.)

And of course, Melody. Hopefully she doesn't leave before the festival ends.

Killua felt satisfied with his chosen people, and decided he can stay here for a little bit. I'll head to the temple in the morning..

Killua walked around, exploring the house. There wasn't much to look at in the kitchen, or the dining room he was just in.

He didn't bother looking at the bathroom.

He pops his head into a room with a desk filled with blank paper. Then another desk that had drawing and random scribbles. He gets onto the chair and look further. There were flower doodles, and drawings of random foliage.

Killua craned his neck to look at some of the drawings in the back. They all looked similar in some way. The all had a white cat with blue eyes-him. Either in some type of wilderness of simply on a cushion. Some drawings had immense detail in them while others were just skribbles.

"I asked Leorio to draw those."

Killua didn't notice the person behind him until they spoke. He snapped his head around to see who it was that spoke. And Gon stood in the doorway.


((yup I'm ending it here bc I dont know how else to go with the rest of this-

Okay byeeeee-))

Just Give Me Some Time (HAITUS/DISCONTINUED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن