Roman stood up walking around the lab when her eyes suddenly land on three files on the desk in the room across from Dr. Cho. Roman leaned closer seeing  ROMAN SANTIAGO along with three other files marked with Santiago.

Roman was reaching for them when the sound of sirens was heard alerting her the paramedics were here. Roman stood outside the lab not knowing what to do now that her job is done, Roman looked around her until they landed on Wanda and Pietro.

Roman flinched as she turned away pretending not to see them but she pulled back by the familiar blur wrapping around her. "What the fuck do you want?" Roman growled out being lifted by Pietro yet she couldn't help staring into his frosty blue eyes.

"We need your help?" Wanda revealed as Roman scoffed, "Now you need our help after you tried to kill us" Wanda rolled her eyes as Roman launched forward at the redhead angrily when Pietro wrapped his arms around her waist keeping her in place.

"That's not nice princezná" Pietro whispered as Roman licked her lips unconsciously, "I still can't trust-" Roman was cut off by Steve's voice buzzing into her earpiece. "Steve? come in I can't hear you" Roman focused on hearing his voice ignoring the twins in front of her.

"There's a train running under the parkway. Come quick!" Steve grunted as Roman turned to the twins. "If you want me to trust you, you have to help us first if you dare backstab us I'll be the one to bury you and Pietro" Roman snarled at Wanda who looked scared and worried as Pietro threw Roman over his shoulder and picked up Wanda by her waist.

・.━━━━━━━━━━━━ † ━━━━━━━━━━━━.・

After Pietro sped Wanda and Roman over to train, dropping Wanda and Roman into the train's seats before sucker punching Ultron in his stomach. The robot began walking over to Pietro as Wanda used her powers to pull the compartments in front of him blocking his path. 

Steve looked over to Roman shocked before mouthing, ' What are they doing here'   ' They needed help and we need help, what you were expecting candy?'

"Please don't do this" Ultron said as red wisps surrounded Wanda's hand defensively "What choice do we have?" Wanda replied Ultron turned to Pietro and shot an energy beam at him surprisingly Roman using her power to deflect the blast but it made no sense since Pietro still dodged the attack.

Pietro shot a smirk over to Roman who rolled her eyes in response to how cocky the man has gotten already. " The train cart shook as Wanda and Roman lost balance thankfully Roman was able to grasp the metal bar beside her.

"Damnit!" Steve got up staring at the hole Ultron made when he left, "I lost him" he said through the com in hopes for a response. "He's heading your way!" Steve said to Clint. The train broke off the rail causing Roman to grip the bar tighter for dear life.

" Nat, we gotta go" Roman listened to Clint from her earpiece, "Nat! Cap, you see Nat?" worry broke out on Roman's face. "Steve, what's wrong with Nat?" Roman asked as she was ignored, "If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!" Steve told Clint.

" Do you have eyes on Nat?" Clint asked again as Roman swallowed the thick lump that formed in her throat. 'What happened to Natasha?'  "Go!" Steve ordered as the train rattled. "Can you stop this thing?" Steve asked as Wanda nodded as Pietro used his speed to move all of the civilians to safety.

The train finally came to a stop as all of the citizens rushed out to friends and family members, Roman just staggered out of the train with a ghosted expression. If looks could kill Steve would have been mauled to pieces by Pietro's fierce gaze.

Pietro stared at Roman who eyes shined brightly before dimming back to their natural color. "Are you okay?" Wanda and Roman asked at the same time to Pietro who was panting out of breath.

" I'm fine. I just need to take a minute." He explained as Steve passed by him, "I'm very tempted not to give you one." Roman didn't know what happened to her but her hands betrayed her and ending up patting Pietro on his back comfortingly.

"The Cradle, did you get it?" Wanda asked Steve, " Stark will take care of it." Wanda shook her head a look of fear wrapped around her. "No, he won't." Steve walked closer to Wanda. "You don't know what you're talking about, Stark's not crazy."

"He will do anything to make things right," Wanda replied as all of the answers fell in place for Roman who watched as  Steve turned around, Pietro noticed Roman's shaken up gaze and squeezed her hand lightly a smile on his face.

" Stark, come in. Stark. Anyone on comms?" Steve questioned as he received no response from anyone. "Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?"

・.━━━━━━━━━━━━ † ━━━━━━━━━━━━.・

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