Born into the world

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Narrator:ahhhhh keyon was born in april 25 1990 in green lsles zone, south lsland he had fun his whole life but lets begin hes life.

Dr Cheese:hello im dr cheese but my real name is dr machinobotnik so recently my parents don't care about me anymore or anyone really so. I need an army and atleast 2.5 million dollars to have an stable army i already have robot sidekicks but i need a whole army soon the world will be mine Wahahahahahaha!!

Keyon (age:1 ):dam some how after a 9 months of being by myself sure is hard atleast i have pizza and chili dogs! yum thats tasty 

Dr Cheese:well well well well finally i use about half of my money to start my army robots move now! bwhaaaaaaahahahahahaha!

Keyon:*wags finger*

Narrator:will keyon save south lsland or dr cheese take over the lsland find out in the next part of keyon the hedgehog the 1991 classic

Keyon:and remember if you look where you go so you can get home easliy keyon says

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