On the road

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A/n Hey you prolly already know this but the (*words*) are just me saying something 🙂

On the way to the meet and greet y/n played some music, but she didn't feel like listening to her own music so y/n  just played the radio, she got carried away cause she was so excited she accidentally ended up going 90 MPH (this bitch lucky she didn't get a ticket 🙄)
half way there y/n realized she forgot the painting she made, y/n was a bit upset she forgot it but it wasn't the best anyways so it didn't really matter (she sounds like me always forgetting shit when I leave my damn house😐) about 30 minutes later y/n got tired of the radio so she decided to play dreams new song 'roadtrip' ( I LOVE THE SONG THO OMFG)
after the song had ended y/n had arrived to the meet and greet spot for a few minutes she sat in her car nervous, but it wasn't a bad nervous. It was the kinda nervous you get before you meet an online friend for the first time... like when your excited but scared... did she know why? No. All she knew was she was ready to meet her idol

On the way to the meet and greet, Sam was a bit nervous, but he just turned on the radio to calm himself down..on the drive he thought to himself 'what if no one shows up' or 'no ones gonna be there' he didn't like thinking things like that, but he was, he arrived to the meet and greet an hour before it started so he could get everything all set up
Here we go. He fought to himself as it was about to start

300 words

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