Chapter 1

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She woke up to Keira's attempts at trying to scream without waking up any of their neighbours, "What is it Keira, please just let me sleep, I'm not in the mood for your silly games, not now at 2am,"

"Lucy theres a spider, please, get it away."

She removed the lankly creepy crawly from Keira's bedside, and without a word crawled back into her bed for the second time.

"Goodnight," Keira whispered.

"Goodnight." Lucy faintly said, as she drifted off once more.

It wasn't that simple for Keira though. She dreamt about playing for England. This was her first ever call up, and what better way to spend it rooming with the best right back in the world. She enjoyed Lucy's company. They first met at City, and ever since have had a special friendship. Other than Steph, and a few other girls from City, Keira knew no-one else really. And while Steph was rooming with Ellen, Lucy was left to guide the youngster through her first ever senior camp with the Lionesses.

What stopped Keira from sleeping maybe wasn't the fact that she was about to hopefully play for England, but maybe the fact she was sharing a room with Lucy. Keira was never really a social butterfly. Steph was her rock at city, she lived with her in Manchester ever since she made the move from the Academy to the first team. And she stayed in the spare bedroom of Steph and her husbands home. The England and Man City captain was always there for her. They shared a special bond and Steph knew exactly what was up with Keira. They shared everything, the highs, the lows, and even the stories most close to heart. Steph's kind nature always loved helping her and Keira felt she could always go to Steph for anything. So the fact she was there with her at her first England camp provided her with the comfort she needed to get a goods night rest.

Keira awoke to the light shining through their windows. Lucy opened the curtains, "Good morning,"


"What was up last night?"

"Nothing, I just couldn't really sleep, and I turned around, and there was a tiny monster beside me,"

"Keira, I know you're nervous, thats totally normal, but remember you were chosen to be here because you deserve it. You are one of the best youngsters around, and you deserve this more than anyone. Don't stress too much. I'm here for you, Steph is, everyone is,"

"Thank you Lucy, I appreciate it."

She made her way into the bathroom and smiled at Lucy before getting dressed into her tracksuit.

The pair made their way down to breakfast, and along the way, bumped into Jordan and Alex who were also roomies. Jordan and Lucy cracked a few jokes, and Alex ran over to Keira to tell her about a clumsy Jordan moment. She could tell Keira was nervous. But as the 4 of them made their way to the buffet, everything seemed to calm Keira. Food was definitely a stress reliever. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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