The Beggining

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Hope you like the actual first chapter! Here it is:

Okay, let's start from the beginning. Ash is part of the wolf pack: The Night Howls. They are well known to have strong, dominant wolves in their pack. They are also known for their strong opinion that humans are bad. So what comes next is definitely out of line.


Ashes POV:

I've always been lonely, but today just seems like it's trying to make me feel completely isolated. Everyone is ignoring me, like, entirely and utterly pretending I don't exist kind of ignoring.

I've never really been given any attention anyway, I'm just one of the pack leaders many daughters. I am a good hunter though, and I'm usually the one who brings back deer, or even stags. That never changes anything though.

(5:00 in the morning)

I'm woken up by the sound of birds in the tree above me. Oh no, no no no! I was meant to be on watch last night! Uhh I'm dead, and the young Cubs in the nursery might have gotten hurt. I stand up with a groan as I know the punishment I'm about to get...

"I'm sorry father, I'm sorry!" I'm whispering pathetically to the leader, the alpha, my father. "SOMEONE COULD HAVE GOTTEN HURT!!!" He howls, almost waking up the entire forest. The other wolves around us are cowering, and some whimpering. "Right, you are in the outer forest for a week, only come back when you hear our howls!"

No, please no!

I think back to the old stories I used to hear as a cub... "The wolves that get banished to the outer forest, even for a day, return with mangled scars and that's only if you're lucky!" I feel my heart racing, and I whimper, which means a sign of submission. He growls, and that's my signal to go, go into the depths of the forest.


As I'm walking down the steep path to the outer edge of our territory, I hear I little bark, so I turn around and see a cub. It's small, but looks determined. It has brown and black fur, with the same forest green eyes as me.

"Hello pup!" I say in what I think is a friendly voice. "Hewwo" they reply. "No way your that cute! What's your name little one?" "Nulu" awww she's so cute! "Well, lovely to meet you Nulu!" I give a tiny bark at the end which she returns. "Bye bye!"

A couple minutes later, I'm outside our territory, and am in the middle of the forest. I hear crows cawing above me, and suddenly I hear a growl from my left. I spin around to see a massive brown bear snarling and growling at me. I growl back, But still it advances....

Hope you liked it! Any feedback would be awesome (:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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