"F*ck Off."

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Tubbo's POV:

Tommy was right sitting between 4 walls and limited visiting can suck, but luckily I'll be out of here in just an hour, as I got up and took my medicine and wore clothes Phil dropped off I noticed a letter inside the shirt "Meet at Tommy's house" Weird... After 30 minutes I left the hospital smelling the fresh air outside.. As I headed down the prime path to go to Tommy's house but I saw nothing so I went in trying to look for the light then suddenly I saw my whole family and Jay "SURPRISE" as I looked in shock "is it my birthday..?" As everyone laughed "no.." Tommy said we're going on a trip!" As Tommy pointed while philza rolled up in a van "C'mon! We're heading to the beach!" Philza exclaimed as everyone and Jay got in and they saved me a seat beside Phil "SHOTGUN!" I said while I got in yelling, As Phil was driving Tommy asked "how long is this trip..?" "Seriously Tommy?! We just got in!" Willbur yelled at Tommy "about three hours?" Said Phil while keeping his eyes focused on the road.

Willbur's POV:

As me and Jay were sitting in the back of the van as Jay looked outside her window while admiring the view and at front were techno and Tommy playing cards. "How's the trip so far Jay?" I asked while she looked at me smiling "it's amazing I can't wait" and she whispered at me "Does Tommy even know how to play cards ?" "No..? Why..?" "Well, he's losing" as both of us laughed "Ey! What're you two laughing about?!" Tommy said while he looked back, and thag made us just laughed even more "Tommy, you just lost." As Techno set down his cards ''WHAT?!?" As Tubbo looked from behind loosing his shit laughing at him "Now hand over that turkey sandwich" Techno said with a smirk on his face " I FUCKING HATE ALL OF YOU PEOPLE" as he viciously handed over his sandwich looking at the window as techno laughed "Next time know how to play" as he put the sandwich in his bag. After a few hours I saw Jay sleeping on my shoulder as I held her in close, looking at the window until I heard a click as techno smirked "This'll be a good memory" he said while winking "You're lucky she's not asleep or I would've kill you asshole." "That'll be a good memory for the love birds" Phil said laughing "fucking assholes, at least I did better than Jarred" "We should be here in a few minutes, so everyone start getting ready" Phil said

Jay's POV:

As I was woken up by willbur I looked at him while tiredness because I haven't slept the night I shot tubbo I felt a guilt over me and I couldn't sleep.. as Phil stopped the van and as I looked over I saw techno and Tommy already rushing there trying to pick the perfect spot as I laughed "hey will take a video of this "TOMMY, I WAS HERE BEFORE YOU GET OUT" as pushing each other "WELL I'M THE YOUNGEST ITS MY SPOT" as techno pushed Tommy into the water soaking him with water as techno sat down laughing "You'll pay for this you little bitch." As Tommy stormed inside the bathroom. As me and will both laughed "I already have a perfect spot follow me" Grabbing will by the wrist as I pushed him, soon enough leading him on a grass hillside where me and him can see everything " You've been here before?" "Yea...It's one of the best place in the world" I said sitting down watching Tommy and Phil fighting "Hey, look at Phil and Tommy now!" I said pointing towards them as Will laughed "Tom and jerry on the loose'' as I laughed looked at will, as he was already looking at me with love..A language I couldn't speak..Or even learn.. As I looked around me realizing there's nowhere to run from this or even make small talk,Will was already so close to me as Will leaned in I heard a click turning around I saw Tommy "TOMMY! WHAT THE FUCK" Will said as he stood up running to Tommy tackling him "GIVE ME THAT CAMERA IM GOING TO THROW IT DOWN INTO THE SEA" As Tubbo came up laughing with techno, Tommy manages to escape as he hides behind techno "I sent him here Will."techno said with a smirk on his face "you fucking asshole.. I WANT THAT PICTURE DELETED NOW." As Will came and told Tommy "Give the camera now" as Tommy handed it to him "I hate all of you" Will said leaving, As I laughed nice one guys while standing up they all followed me down as I left them to head to the bathroom to change, after changing I saw Dream in front of me with his sword pointing it at me "Leave with me or die." He said "I'd rather choose death." I said as I kicked him in the stomach throwing his sword up as it caught into my hands pinning him down to the ground with a sword close to his neck "You'll not ruin this trip for me or them...So I suggest you leave." As he stood up "My sword." He said as I gave it to him "scram." I said with a serious tone "Have fun with you and lover boy there.." as he pointed at Will "While you can."

"F*ck off.."

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