Be A Lady

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Teacher : Rebecca! Be a lady!

Rebecca: A lady? But what is a lady?

Teacher: Excuse me?

Rebecca: What is a lady? I have heard the term "be a lady" many times, but I have failed to understand the meaning of a lady. Is it a term to divide childhood from adulthood? Or is it a term society has made to keep young girls under your control? Please educate me on this ma'am, is a lady a young woman who is expected to be quiet? Reserved? Well read? Polite? If that's what it takes to be a "lady", why is that so many young girls fail to fit the standard? Maybe being a lady is being talkative, and outgoing, and street-smart, and adventurous. And maybe having a disregard for certain absurd rules is a good thing! So madam, I'll ask once again, what is a lady?

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