Percy ate pancakes quickly and went upstairs. Out of frustration, he hit a wall with his fist.

On the train, Fred and George played Exploding snap with Lee Jordan when Oliver entered.

"Have you seen Percy?" He asked.

"Ginny says he disapparated before the train started going. Why do you ask?"

"Lee, can you leave us alone?"

"No." Lee said.

"Get out!" Oliver yelled.

Lee jumped up, got out and Oliver closed the door.

"Percy wanted to have sex with me and I declined."

Fred and George gaped at him for a moment.

"You turned down Percy?" Fred chuckled.

"I don't know what happened. We were kissing and he put his hands in my pants and I stopped him."

"As Percy's brother, I am glad you did not shag him. As your friend, I am very disappointed in you."

"Can you just talk to Percy for me?"

"Maybe you can talk to him yourself. Does Percy know we know about the two of you?"

"No, he still thinks it is a secret."

"Oliver, is there any chance you can come spend holidays with us?"

"I guess. I was supposed to go to ski trip with my parents, but I can get out of it."

"Great. You will come to our place then. We will sort things out with Percy." George said.

"Come on December 26, around 5 p.m." Fred informed him.

"Ok, see you then."

December 26th came too quickly. At exactly 5 p.m. Oliver was at the door.

"I'll get it," Ginny said.

She ran to the door and was visibly confused by seeing Oliver standing on the doorstep.

"Who is it, Ginny?" Molly came to the door. "Oh, Oliver dear, come inside."

Molly and Arthur were aware that Oliver was coming to stay over, but by Fred and George's pleading, they kept it a secret from others.

Fred and George hugged him and welcomed him inside. All the kids seemed surprised that Oliver is staying over, but none kept it quite as cool as Percy. He just acknowledged Oliver and acted as if this situation was everyday occurence.

"Fred, take Oliver's stuff to your room."

Fred took a suitcase and ran upstairs. When he returned, dinner was served.

Dinner was peaceful, Oliver made everyone laugh with his stories (except Percy of course who kept his head down the entire time).

"Oliver, you are really funny. You should be stand up comedian." Arthur smiled.

"I plan on being a quidditch player, I already have some offers."

Molly desperately wanted to mention how that field of work is very uncertain and potentially harmful, but she kept her mouth shut. It was first time he came to her house and she did not want to be a nagging hostess. It is not without a reason she was named "Hostess with the mostest" by Quibbler in year 1989.

"Percy, you are awfully quiet." Arthur noticed.

"Yeah, Percy, what's wrong? Usually you always have something to say about anything," Oliver jokingly tried to provoke Percy.

Things I hate about you (Perciver)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя