Without another thought I ran into the street, my body seeming to move before my mind had time to process the situation thoroughly. If this goes wrong we could both get run over? Adrenaline took over my mind, my body. The only thing I knew was getting this man out of the goddamn street.

I ran faster than my legs could carry, reaching out for the hand that once reached for mine. The man seemed to be so lost in his emotions, he hadn't even seen the light turn red. The car was approaching ever so fast. Would I make it to him in time?

I grabbed the man's wrist pulling his body into mine just as the car whipped by, not even slowing down to address the events that had just occurred. The force of the man bumping into me caused me to stumble, both of us crashing onto the ground as other cars slowly came to a halt around us.

I lied there, eyes widened as I fought to catch my breath. The weight of the boy who now lied on top of me, not seeming to help. The man just lied on my chest, continuing to cry into the black jacket I was wearing.

"A-are you a-alright"? I asked once I had managed to breathe once again. Still, my voice came out shaky and quite harsh.

The sobbing quieted down but the man still hung his head into my chest. I heard as other civilians began to exit their cars, concerned about the two adults who just remained in the street. An older woman was among them, concern laced throughout her voice as she asked,

"Are you guys ok"? I turned my head slightly to answer her question, only being able to get out a raspy "We-" before...


I heard the sound of skin on skin, echoing throughout the now silent streets. The pain didn't register until my cheek started stinging. I could almost feel the bright red handmark that now rested on my face.

I stifled a gasp, gently reaching my palm up to cup the cheek that now stung more than before, looking at the culprit.

The man stared at me, no longer with a pained expression but now a look laced with anger. His teeth were clenched, his eyes shrunk, narrowing in on me. Tears still ran down his face, mixing with the snot that began to run out of his nose.

"Who are you?! Where did you take Sangwoo?!" He began to yell at me, slamming his fists onto the hard gravel below us.

My mind ran empty, the only thing escaping my mouth was an entertained "heh". Although I had just risked my life to protect the poor man, I pushed him off my body. I took the time to sit up properly, taking in his frail body hitting the ground. He quickly gained his composure, copying my movements, leaving us staring at each other dead in the eye.

We began to scream at each other, all the people who had exited their cars just watching with amusement.

"I saved your ass and this is how you repay me?!"

"You took him from me! We were meant for each other!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

The man growled, taking the time to crawl towards me, probably with the intent of hitting me once again. I put my hands up, ready to defend myself from the obviously delusional man.

All of a sudden a man rushed through the crowd, grabbing the man by the arms and pulling him back. The strength of the action caused the man to fall back, helplessly frailing in his arms, desperate to continue the fight with me.

I took the moment to catch my breath, observing the man that continued to hold the young boy back from me. Short black hair, a burn mark covering the right half of his face, somewhat covered with a bandage, a police badge.

A police officer, not just anyone, the one who had discovered the serial killer. The one who had risked his life to save the hostage kept inside of his house, burned by Sangwoo in the process of taking him down.

Officer Seungbae, that was his name. He was here, but why?

A stream of questions ran through my mind, anxiety overwhelming my body, causing me to slightly shake.

The young man continued to struggle until he went limp, exhausted knowing he couldn't out wiggle the man who held him in his arms. Seungbae sighed, looking into my eyes with a sign of sympathy. He continued to stare, taking in my appearance? I don't know.

"Are you ok?" he asked. His voice was strong, making me swallow the lump that had seemed to make its way into my throat. To say I was scared was an understatement, I was downright intimidated by the man who now stood in front of me.

I began to nod my head lightly, knowing any words that would make their way out of my throat wouldn't be heard in the slightest. Knowing I was alright, Seungbae turned his attention towards the man in his arms.

"Mr. Yoon, to say you had me concerned couldn't be closer to the truth. You went to the hospital again didn't you?"

Yoon, Where had I heard that name before? Then it clicked. Seungbae, Yoon. Yoon was the victim of the killer's abuse. They had never released a picture of the man to keep his identity private, but of course, some people wouldn't take that as an answer. After a lot of research, they had discovered his name.


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