Agent Romanoff goes at her again but this time Iron Warrior grabs a hold of Natasha's neck with her left arm holding her up in the sky until she turns blue. Iron Warrior leaves frostbite on Natasha's neck. While Natasha coughs for air, Iron Warrior plants the device on her back as she pushes Natasha onto the ground.

Iron Warrior's next target is Falcon. He is in the air, so Iron Warrior waves for a HYDRA helicopter. It picks her up as she holds into a rope as she dangles into the sky. Falcon sees Iron Warrior.

"I have her in my sites." He says into coms.

"Be careful." Natasha coughs.

Falcon descends slightly to be in line of Iron Warrior. Once Falcon is close enough, she jumps onto him and rips off a wing like paper. As they free fall to the ground, Iron Warrior places the chip onto his shoulder before jumping onto the ground herself.

Sam is confused, but he gets up and sends small bomb jets toward Iron Warrior but she is ahead of the game as she shoots each one down before sending a small knife into Sam's leg.

Once Same is down, Iron Warrior knows that Iron Man is the last target. She runs back to The Parliament House and climbs on top. She spots Stark blasting small jets and aims for him with a net gun that has been placed on top of the building.

When Iron Man is locked in the target, Iron Warrior shoots and Stark goes down. "I'm stuck guys." Tony says as he free falls into the ground.

When Tony is on the ground Iron Warrior plants the chip on his back before pressing another button that shocks the net.

Tony screams. "What is going on?" Steve asks. "Where is everyone?"

"You need to take that little bastard down-" Just then, Iron Warrior presses the button that connects to all the chips and it sends out a high pitch screech that only the wearer of the chip can hear.

Captain America and Winter Soldier hear the screams and go toward their peers. The screech continues. Iron Warrior finds Winter Soldier near Clint and lunges onto his back.

Winter Soldier is very strong, but not as strong as Iron Warrior. Baron Strucker told Iron Warrior not to use any of her heat or cold on the targets, so she doesn't. She just uses her intense strength and speed.

Bucky grabs a hold of Iron Warrior's arms and holds them tight. But Irina just uses her legs as she sweeps up onto Bucky's shoulders. But is then thrown onto the ground by Captain America.

"Bucky, everyone is down," Steve says. "Their ears are all bleeding."

Iron Warrior doesn't listen to the chit-chat as she pushes Steve off the roof, into a building and he falls onto the ground. Bucky keeps with Iron Warrior, as they fight, Irina uses nothing but her strength- no weapons. Bucky sees this and puts down his gun.

They fight head to head on top of a building. Bucky grabs a tight hold on Iron Warrior's neck and holds her over the side of the building no where near the edge so she is stranded for the time being.

"Where is the HYDRA base?!" Bucky questions.

Iron Warrior remains silent.

"Where is it!" Bucky's eyes go wild. He glances down to see a band of HYDRA holding Steve tight watching Bucky intensely.

When Iron Warrior takes a quick glance backwards, she sees Baron standing there with the Winter Soldier book. Iron Warrior swings her legs forward and pushes Bucky to his knees, holding him tight there.

"Longing," Baron begins speaking in Russian.

"No!" Bucky screams. He struggles in Iron Warrior's arms. "Stop-"

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