"I'd rather explore your beautiful body." I smirked, sending her a wink.

"That was lame as fuck dude." She chuckled, I pretended to look hurt, but released her and finished getting dressed nonetheless.

After we were both ready to go, we headed out for a walk along the beach. We walked hand in hand, staring out into the ocean at surfers and sailers. I found myself looking at her with the backdrop of the ocean more than anything. She interrupted my thoughts when she pulled us a little further into the water. The cool waves hitting our ankles and soothing them from the heat.

"This is beautiful." I commented. She nodded in agreement. "I wish we could stay here forever. No obligations, no fans, just me and you." I pondered.

"Is that something you'd really want though?" She looked at me. I shrugged.

"I mean, I don't know. It would be nice." She stopped our slow stroll and I stopped with her. She appeared to be deep in thought.

"Yeah.. it would be nice, but wouldn't you miss it? The music I mean." I looked down at our hands, resting tightly together. Her hands empty without any of her usual jewelry.

"I would, and I would miss the fans too, they mean so much to me, they got me to where I am. I just sometimes wonder what it would be like to just.. be. Ya know?" She nodded, I could tell she's thought of the same thing a few times.

"I understand. I'll be honest with you, Im scared shitless about becoming public about this bro." She looked out at the sea, then back to me. I gave her a questioning look, prompting her to continue. "I'm afraid of it not just being you and me anymore you know? Like I want you all to myself and I know once we become public, everything is going to change. It'll be harder to go out and do things like this." I agreed with her.

"We don't have any obligations to the fans to expose every detail of our private life, there is absolutely nothing wrong with what we're doing now. Eventually though, it'll get out. Which is all the more reason to enjoy what we have now." I smile at her, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

I turned back to look at the horizon, the sun was starting to set. I wordlessly pulled her down with me into the sand, she giggled knowing exactly what my intentions were. She snuggled up into my side and I held her close. "You're such a sap bro." She commented.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked softly, kissing the top of her head.

"Never." She looked up at me, her ocean eyes overpowering the ocean that sat right before us by a thousand. The way the sunset sparkled in them was mesmerizing.

"I love you." I blurted out. It was the first time I've genuinely said it. I panicked for a brief second, afraid of the way it could change the trip if her feelings weren't the same. She just snuggled closer into me, kissing my cheek and whispered.

"I love you too."

The next day we decided we'd explore the natural water falls, a little hike through nature together would be peaceful and romantic. We stopped for breakfast first, greeted a few fans and acknowledged that the word about us on vacation together was definitely going to get out since we took pictures with a few people that recognized us. We cut out on the town time short for this very reason and headed into the mountains for our hike.

The mountains were beautiful, exceeded my expectations by a lot. We pointed out various flora that we thought were pretty. Billie made fun of weirdly shaped rocks and trees, because it's Billie and why wouldn't she. I laughed every time ay the way she made herself laugh. By the time we reached our destination we could not be more excited for a dip in the falls.

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