When he came back out he noticed the cat sitting on the counter in the kitchen. He picked it up and took it into the living room with him, “What’s its name?”

Sam raised his head, “Oh, that’s Copernicus, I forgot to give her back I guess. She’s my neighbor’s cat. He’ll probably be over later to take her back, so don’t worry if there’s a guy on my porch."

“Where’d you get the picture in your bathroom?” Castiel asked petting the cat.

“My neighbor.” Sam answered.

“My God,” Dean exclaimed, “Can you do anything without your neighbor?”

Sam scrunched his nose, “Yeah.”

“Really? Because you’ve mentioned him like eight times in the last hour.” Sam blushed bright. “Don’t you have other friends?”

“I have him and Jess here. I don’t get out much.” Sam admitted. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t still have friends in other states.”

Dean raised his eyebrows, and sat back against the couch, stealing Copernicus from Castiel’s lap. A cry of protest escaped Castiel’s throat, but the cat had accepted its fate, and Cas let it be. “Sure.”

Sam pursed his lips.


Around 2:30 Gabriel slammed a paper against Sam’s back door knocking rapidly. Sam got up from the couch and opened it, “What’s the all the commotion for?”

“This, I’m in this!”

Sam took the paper, “an art show?”

“YEah!” he exclaimed, “and you are coming because I’m not going by myself and… you’ve got company… I’ll just...” then he paused and took a step into the apartment, “Castiel?”

Castiel gasped and hopped off the couch. “Gabriel?” he exclaimed, a grin forming on his face as he got up from the couch and enveloped his older brother in a hug.

Sam leaned over to Dean and whispered, “What’s going on?”  Dean shrugged confused himself.

Castiel let go of his brother and took a step back, “Where in the hell have you been?” he yelled.

“Everywhere and nowhere.” Gabriel said looking at the floor.

“That means shit! You disappeared after college! You could have at least called or heck I’d have taken a letter! Something to tell me you were still alive!” Castiel yelled. He couldn’t believe this was actually happening, sure he’d hoped when he saw the picture, but Castiel hoped every time he saw a short guy with blond hair.

“I don’t know what happened. I mean, I thought about calling, many times, but… I… didn’t.” Gabriel answered slowly realizing there was no way out of the hole he was digging.

“Damn right you didn’t.” he clenched and unclenched his fists. “I’m not having this fight right now.” Castiel sat back down on the couch and stole the cat from Dean this time. With one last glance back, Gabriel exited the back door, leaving his cat in his little brother’s lap.

“So.” Sam started. “What was that?”

“He’s the neighbor you speak so highly of?” Castiel asked pointing towards the back door. Sam nodded, “Gabriel’s my brother, and like I said, I haven’t heard from him in a long time.” He paused for a second, counting on his fingers. “Eight, nine years. And, I’m guessing this is his cat that I’m holding.”  Castiel said looking at Copernicus.

“You let your long lost brother leave out the back door? Cas, are you high?” Dean asked.

Castiel furrowed his eyebrows, “No.”

“Then go talk to him, Birdbrain.”

“My brain is not the size of a bird’s, shut up!” Castiel huffed, standing up. “I don’t even know where he went!”

“Literally out the back door.” Sam stated.

Hesitantly Castiel got up and paused standing in front of the backdoor. “There’s a railing in the way, looks like I can’t.” He shrugged.

Sam gave him an unamused look, “Gabriel get your ass out here.” He yelled.

“No, you’re just gonna yell at me.” He called back.


Terrified that things were going to go worse than they already were, Gabriel appeared in the back door. “Yes?”

Sam went back in the house leaving Castiel and Gabriel to talk.

“Look, I’m sorry.” Gabriel started.
“That’s not gonna fix years.

Gabriel opened his mouth then closed it again, “I don’t know what you want me to do. I can’t go back in time.”

“Just tell me why.”

“I don’t know.”

Castiel narrowed his eyes. “That’s not good enough.”

“I was done at home. There was no reason to go back.”

“What about family? Were you done with us? Michael, Anna, Luce, me?”

“No! Never!”

“It sure felt like it.”

Gabriel took a deep breath, “Your guilt trip is working; you can tone it down a bit.”

“Mom and Dad miss you. You should call.”

“To get yelled at? I waited too long!”

“Too long is their death bed. Heaven forbid your actions get consequences.”

“My actions have no reason to be reprimanded. I am a legal adult, and can make my own decisions.”

“You are a coward.”

Gabriel clenched his jaw, “You’re not being fair.”

“I’m not trying to be fair.”
“I haven’t had the best luck since I left. I’ve been so lost, and when I find something familiar it throws me out too.”

Castiel softened, “Please, just call once, for me.” Gabriel nodded. “Thank you.”

“You’re coming back for Christmas right?” Sam asked Dean.

“Of course. Me, Dad, whoever else wants to come.” Dean hugged Sam goodbye.

Castiel had already said his goodbyes to Gabriel and forced him to promise he’d come visit sooner rather than later. They were still a little rocky, but it was better than the nothing they’d had before.

“It was nice to meet you.” Castiel said resting his hand on Sam’s shoulder.”
“You too.”

“Keep my brother in check.”

“Only if you’ll do the same.” He replied with a knowing smile. Castiel blushed and slipped out the front door.

Sam locked the door behind them and returned to his living room to find Gabriel on his couch. “Our brothers are so fucking.” Sam stated.

Gabriel cringed. “Ew.”

“I know right.” Sam shuddered.

“It seems that Winchesters have a knack of finding Novaks.”

“It’s talent.” Sam shrugged.

“You keep believing that.” Gabriel grinned. “I’ll take my cat now.”
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

WOW! I told myself I wouldn’t be behind. Let’s just see if I can actually crank out the chapter I need before Valentine’s Day. Wouldn’t that be cool?

Sorry it wasn’t as much Destiel as it could have been.

The chapter was too angsty to be honest…

Oh well…

I don’t foresee a happy next chapter either so brace yourselves!

You guys are great!


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