Case 3: This Extra Feature

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Upon further investigation into the Robots Cinematic Universe, I came across this: a "Meet the Cast" type deal, where we read information about each robot that starred in the movie.
Here is Cappy's:

First of all: avoiding Ratchet? What kind of hobby is that? Who LIKES avoiding things?Secondly: we hear no mention of her parents in the movie

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First of all: avoiding Ratchet? What kind of hobby is that? Who LIKES avoiding things?
Secondly: we hear no mention of her parents in the movie. The creators just slap this backstory in there for shits and giggles.
Being a Bigweld executive could've helped at any other point in the movie, except she uses her power as such a total of zero times.
It's not like being an executive got her into Ratchet's office when Rodney needed to be in there, because Bigweld did that for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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