Chapter 1

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School is not the best for me as I am not considered normal for being so athletic for a “girl” I could not help my dad was a superhero and I have been training with him my whole life… I also stood up for most of the girls in my school which led me to being the target of the bullying, although I helped many people I never got help in return. Which was okay I mean its practice for when I become a hero like my dad right? I ran into the school as I checked my watch and only had 2 minutes to get to my class all the way in the A wing. As I got to the doorway the bell rang, I was not late for once.  
Mrs. Walters looked up at me and smiled “Nice to see you Mrs. Barto” and looked back down at her lesson plans for today. 
I nodded and left for my seat across the room but of course half of my homeroom was popular kids and not to mention my seat was surrounded by the ones who hated me most. I tried walking around the people who hated me and quickly jumped over some non-moving feet. But I could not miss the one girl Mia and Maya, Twins from two different mothers. I was with Maya when we were in elementary but Mia, I met last year.  
“Hey~ Sam, how’s, is it going?” Mia said with a sly tone of voice.  
I obviously ignored her swung my Backpack to my desk and grabbed my laptop, I looked back only to see all my school supplies on the floor. I got angry and stomped to pick up my things only to get a nice foot on my thighs, so I tripped and fell over.  
“Seriously todays picture day what the hell!!” I yelled at Mia. 
Mrs. Walters luckily was not in the room when I said that, as she was quickly using the bathroom, I looked at Mia and quickly got up to repack my school supplies. Once I packed everything I put on the backpack and waited for the announcements to come and then to leave.  
“Good morning, Warwick Middle School, today's lunch choices are the normal and hopefully you all got on your best picture wear because today is PICTURE DAY~” The young girl cheered “Anyway, enjoy your day and see you tomorrow.”   
 I looked down and sighed “Can this day go any slower” I whispered to myself. I slammed my head on the desk quietly but painfully. As the bell finally rang, I got up out of my seat and grabbed my bags before anything else could happen. Mia looked and me and smirked.  
I quickly made it to the back of the line waiting to get into my history class, I wanted to get this day over with, since it already turned out so bad. My friend walked up to me with a smile.  
“I’m so ready for picture day!!” Chloie exclaimed, she was normally dressed like she was going to a party or something every day, but today she acted like this was her first time dressed up so much. “I love what you’ve done with yourself Sam, the floral dress looks beautiful on your body shape.” 
I blushed “Oh you really think so? I just picked the best outfit I had!” The dress I picked was a red and black floral dress, it had a belt around the waist so it could tighten to my body frame. The sleaves where long enough to where I could put my hands together and nobody would be able to see my arms at all.  
“Well, I think it looks perfect on you Sam” she pats my shoulder and left with the rest of the line into history class. I quickly joined her into the busy moving room.  
“Kids please settle down; we will get out pictures taken soon and then we’ll be learning more about our superhero's that are here to protect us!” He clasped his hands together, this was one of his favorite subjects to tach us about, as about every other subject he teaches us.  
As we settled down, some of the students got out their picture day forum, because their parents wanted to see their beautiful faces and plaster all on the wall. My dad does not usually buy picture, although we have the money too, he thinks it’s a huge waste when we could get them professionally done. 
“Alright class lets go down and get these pictures done.” We all got up and left for the auditorium.  
I didn’t want to be here, Mia was standing Infront of me and I felt very uncomfortable with her in front of me. I looked around for Chloie when I spotted her in the front of the line “Well that’s just great Shes first and I'm last.” 
Mia looked at me and smirked “You really still want to try and take a picture with the disastrous look? You should just go and pretend you got your picture taken; it will be good in the long run.” She looked at me and stood in a very prestigious manner. Her little minions chuckled with her.  
“Unlike you I don’t care about my appearance, looks shouldn’t have to matter.” I said this while looking over her shoulder. I laughed and waited my turn to get a picture. After a while it was finally my turn to get my picture, I quickly fixed my hair in the mirror and made sure my dress didn’t look wrinkly. As I walked in to get my pictures, I saw Mia walk out of the one next to mine I rolled my eyes as she walked out like a little princess. She turned around and smirked at me. 
After about 10 mins the photo taking was finally over, apparently, they couldn’t find a good pose for me. It was ridiculous take a picture of me posing in anyway and we can call it quits. But no let's take 50 pictures till they think they got me in the correct pose. I thanked them and looked around to find my class as they were post to wait for everyone to be done. But I expected this, Mia obviously had something to do with this.  
I went out into the hallway for no one, dead silence, I sighed and walked up the stairs angry. “Great, just great they left me; they are now probably doing the lesson now which is my favorite.” This was my favorite lesson for multiple reasons. I wanted to become a superhero, I wanted to fight the bad guys, and I also enjoy hearing about my dad's different hero stories. Everybody has their own interoperation of them, only me and the JSA knew the true stories. (I got all the intel about it) 
Most people would think I would be enthusiastic about being the daughter of a superhero and must have such an amazing family. No, I never knew my mother and he refuse to tell me anything about her. I know about my uncle; he couldn't hide that from me. He’s the villain Brainwave. My uncle being a villain doesn't give me the best reputation. My dad a hero, but my aunt who married a villain who is now my uncle.  
I quickly got to my history class, I was lucky enough to not miss anything, our teacher was just passing out some paper, so we know what the superhero's looked like. I mean not like I already know what they look like, or personally knew me... NEVER. I quickly got to my seat which was placed Luckly beside Chloie. Mr. K looked up at me and apologized telling me that Mia said she was the last one.  I looked at him and smiled “It was probably just a mistake.” 
He smiled and agreed and got out the presentation of the JSA and talked about how they are the best superhero's to ever live. “they have helped us out so much, I just wish we knew more about these superheroes.”  
Mia raised her hand “Do we even know if they have a family or maybe even kids?”  
Mr. K looked at her and shook his head “Sadly no we have no clue if they have a family, many reporters have tried to ask Starman, but he would always ignore that question. Many people just stopped asking that question in general.” He frowned and then perked right up when he went to the next slide.  
Once Mr. K reached the next slide, he explained to us that this is the ISA, the enemy's that the JSA have been fighting for a long time. He told us about almost every individual. But once we reached the fiddler Mia looked at me and smirked. She clearly wanted to make a comment and I know this was going to be about me.  
She raised her hand only for Mr. K call on her. “You seem intrigued by all of this. What may your question be Mrs. Mia?” 
Mia smirked and said, “Doesn't Sam look Kinda look the fiddler?”  
At Mia’s comment some people chuckled, thinking being called a Villans daughter was funny. I looked at her with a death stare making Mr. K stop the commotion. “Oh, great he’s going to make a comment let's see what he has to say, not like leaving me in the auditorium was enough.” I said under my breath. 
Mr. K chuckled “I guess you are right Miss, Mia. Sam does look a lot like the Fiddler but let's not skip to conclusions we know nothing about them. Their villains after all.” After he was done with his okay remark, he looked back up at his presentation. “Well, it looks like we will have to finish this tomorrow, any further questions?” Mia looked up but figured she better not ask any other questions as Mr. K already seemed upset at her with her latest question.  
Mya raised her hand and smiled at me as well. Mr. K looked at her Kinda annoyed he just wanted to be finished with all these questions or snarky comments. “Yes, Mya what is your question? 
She looked at him and stated “Well she also surely looks a little like Starman, Is it possible that they are her parents? Oo that would be such a conspiracy! I can just see it being in the news “Is this normal schoolgirl related to Starman and The Fiddler?”” Everyone laughed knowing that that was nearly impossible, a villain and a hero falling in love? Never would happen they're too different. 
Mr. K laughed realizing they were targeting me “Alright Mya and Mia and know they might look alike but we do have to be nice to her, you shouldn’t be guessing things about her.” He walked to both and gave them detention notes. “Maybe next time you can listen and not target people?”  
Everybody laughed, some of the classmates commented “Oooooooo, you got in trouble” Mr. K looked at those people. 
“I can give you guys detention if you really want me to. Sounds like you do!” He spoke. He was clearly getting annoyed, and the day just started. He started walking to his desk “Alright guys, please go outside into the hall and wait for the bell to ring.  
We quickly packed up and headed out into the hall. Before I could leave Mr. K told me to stay saying he needed to talk to me for a second. I quietly sighed and waited for everyone to leave. I was hoping it wouldn’t take long, I don’t need to ask a ton of questions from students like “Why were you told to stay in his classroom?” “Did you do something”. Those questions just get too annoying. I. Don’t. Need. It. 
Mr. K looked at me and frowned “I’m so sorry that they’ve been teasing you around, I can see you are getting quite annoyed. “Although you look like Starman and the fiddler combined, I don’t believe you are and won’t push and say you are.” He sighed “But, that’s not the reason I asked you to stay here right now. I see you get very intrigued with this topic and with quizzes and tests you pass this unit with flying colors.”  
I smiled and agreed “Ah, I love this topic, although most of the time it's just repetitive about this topic its really interesting! We get to learn about them and learn things maybe we haven't learned yet when we started the topic last year.” I smiled remembering the topics we learned about.  
Mr. K smirked “Well then, I was wondering if you would like to present the rest of the slide tomorrow, and if you would like I can share you the slide and you can edit it making it fit the way you would want to present it.”  
I smiled I was overly excited but who wouldn’t be! “Omg of course I would want to present the rest of the presentation! And if you don’t mind, I would like to see the slide so I know what I'm going to say and so then I can edit it into my own words.”  
He smiled “Alright then it’s a deal, this will also count as one of your big assignments, other students will be doing a presentation, but this will count as that.” He quickly emailed me the slide link and I made sure I got it and then left for the hallway. 
I made my way to the back with Chloie, and she asked me what he wanted with me. I told her about the presentation and how he is sorry that I was being teased. Also, how that presentation would count as a huge grade. “I’m not too worried about it though, I love this topic so much! It's very entertaining to me!” 
The bell rung and we all went our separate ways to our next class. 

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