Chapter 2.

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It's the next and Y/N is in the library again
this is from Tsuchigomori's POV

esn: = editor side note

"It's almost 4pm which means Y/N is going to be here soon" I said to myself getting back to the ground from the top shelf of the bookshelf. "three. two. one." I counted down the last few seconds of 3 o'clock then I heard the door bell of the library door door ring. "Hello" Y/N said as she walked in. She looked as if she was trying to avoid looking at me, but I had an idea on what to do. I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder and she flinched and asked "whatcha' doin' there." I didn't really have a way to answer the question. Thankfully I already knew what to do, seeing how I now knew she liked me, it wasn't really that much to think about. I lied my index and middle finger under her chin and turned her head towards mine, and kissed her then standing up straight walking away.


To be fair, it was only a kiss, but he knew I liked him! this left me as red as uhm.. red food coloring? It was a moment that I couldn't comprehend at the time. All I did was sit there in shock. I watched as he walked back to me and crouched down. He looked me dead in the eye as if he was a threat. Before I knew it, he kissed me again, but I could take in the time to know what's happening because he didn't let go. So I melted into the kiss and before anything else happened, he stopped then flicked my head. Yes it hurt, but it was for literally no reason. No reason at all. Just a casual flick to the head, then he just walked away like nothing happened. He does things like this all the time, but it's mostly closing my book while I'm reading. It was already 6pm and I packed up my stuff and left, and I was actually able to leave without him grabbing me. Thank god.

I got home to my apartment and roommate, and told her everything.. again. And yes, she shook me again. BF/N knows what Tsuchigomori looks like, because I take her to the library one or twice a month. Strangely, he sticks his tongue at BF/N, and smiles with it. Showing his sharp teeth. When BF/N was shaking me, she stopped to ask if he had stuck his tongue in my mouth and down my throat. I shook my head scrunching my nose making a weird face. As if he would ever do that. I wanted the next day to be normal, but when I walked in to the library the next day, I walked in and sat down at my table. Yes, I have my own table. Why? No idea. anyways- I sat down and tried not to make things weird, but I could sense him just watching me. It's really weird that I could. Nothing special happened that day thank god, and as I was leaving for the day, I was crossing the street and I guess I wasn't looking correctly? Because my whole life flashed before my eyes, and before I knew anything about what happened, I passed out.

I woke up minutes later in the hospital not knowing what was going on, but I knew I was in a lot of pain. I looked around the room I was in and saw that BF/N and Tsuchigomori in the room. I could open my eyes, but I couldn't seem to move anything else. I looked at Tsuchigomori and BF/N and smiled. He looked at me smiling back. "thank goodness you're okay." I made a confused face at him cause I still had no idea what happened. "While you were walking across the street, you were hit by a car." I finally understood why everything hurt so much. I heard a beeping noise and it slowly started to stop beeping, then it had a really long beep and then I saw a white light. Soon I was in my old classroom. I saw someone familiar. I realized it was Yugi Amane, or Hanako. I went to the hospital where I was a few minutes ago, and saw BF/N crying. Could she not see that I was right in front of her? Then it hit me. The long beep was my heart beat stopping. Tsuchigomori could see and touch me. (that sounded better in my head then it did on here)

ESN: I am leaving this unfinished so that I can go back and add more later when I'm no longer getting writers block. but it's time to make a fanfic about Kakashi :) I hope you liked this one so far, and please come back and keep reading when a new chapter comes out :) and I have the plan of making 2 chapters each day. so my hands don't fall off making this. :) have good day

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