The Battle Begins

Start from the beginning

"Cool can I come?" Finn asked inviting himself.

I scrunched up my face thinking, "I'm not sure man."

"Ooh come on" Finn said throwing his head back into the chair, "please?"

I knew I was going to get shit if I didn't take him so I agreed, "yeah sure, can you grab my shoes from the closet though cause my other pair are soaked."

"Sure" Finn said a thank you before heading out to get ready. I didn't hate him, he was just a complete prick in school. To add to it my parents always showed him more support than me because he does sports while I don't. Beside that he was pretty cool and I can hang out with him without his friends.

I grabbed my beanie and texted Colin that we would be there in a minute to get him. Fixing my hair as I placed my beanie on I headed to the front door, "mom Finn and I are leaving!"

Finn showed up already all ready to leave holding my crappy pair of shoes, "okay be safe and be back for dinner!"


"Why are we here again?" I asked Colin as we wandered through the Walmart isles.

"Cause why not?" he answered shrugging his shoulders.

Finn raised an eyebrow, "many reasons actually."

"You know what?" Colin asked stopping and starring at us.

I laughed pushing him to continue, "just keep going so we can go soon, its 5:25 and we need to be home by six."

"I have no set time" Colin shrugged fixing his jacket slightly.

We turned down an isle lined with plastic storage bins simply wondering, "are we going to at least get something so our time wasn't completely wasted?"

"Sure lets go look at CD's" Colin answered turning towards the music section.

"Ooh yay" Finn laughed, "screamo music."

"Shut up its not screamo" Colin whined, "at least not all of it."

Finn laughed at this, "what ever you say man."

Turning down the various isles we made our way to the back of the store before Colin stopped, "hey don't those guys go to our school?"

I looked over where he was looking by the books were three people are laughing their asses off, I could tell who it was from behind.

Finn made a clicking sound with his tongue, "yeah, their in our english class right Jack?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure" I murmured trying to hide the fact I could recognize Connor from behind.

"Lets go say hi" Colin said happily walking over.

"Colin no!" I whispered shouted not wanting to embarrass myself.

Finn just shrugged and followed much to my displeasure. Staying behind them we walked over to them, Connor and his friends oblivious to us, "Grant you are so dumb!"

The brown haired boy who I assumed was Grant just laughed before responding, "but that's part of my appeal."

"Explains why your single" Connor laughed before turning and noticing us, "uh hi?"

Finn gave them his usually confident smirk, "hey, your in our english class right?"

Grant and the girl now noticed out presence and turned, "I'm not sure, Mrs. Lethom, third block on white days?"

"Yeah" I laughed feeling slightly awkward bitting my lip.

Connor started to roll on the balls of his feet feeling the tension before the Grant guy stated, "hey Amber come with me I have to pick up chips as I ate them all."

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