smile for me

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I wake up to the sound of birds chirping at my window, as I get up from my desk that I unsurprisingly fell asleep on .

It seems I fell asleep doing paperwork, except last time I checked they were on the desk neatly piled up into a stack but now for some reason they were all over my work space and some had heaped up on the floor 
I sigh as I begin to sort them out into piles, before glancing at my open window "must've been the wind" I say to myself as I begin to close it strange the pile seemed smaller then it was then when I was doing it last night I think to myself right before I hear someone thudding from down the hall way,

It was coming closer and closer until it let out a loud screech

Before the thudding came to a halt.

Right outside my door....

I turn around in fear as it bursted open .


I smile to myself and sigh as the four eyed human came running through my door not bothering to close it behind her of course.

"Hanji" I start "I just woke up I'm not in the mood to be your little piglet for your experiments,last time I couldn't eat without throwing up and captain Levi called me disgusting because of it"

I pinch the bridge of my nose as I picture his handsome face that was twisted with disgust as he looked down at me.

"Oh no no no no no my dear" she said whilst lifting my chin so I could meet her eyes.

"I'm simply here to deliver a message,"

"A message ??" I ask with a slight suspicion.

"Yes a message it's from captain Levi"

"It's from the captain!?" I perk up to the mention of his name.

"Ah so now your interested are you? ."she replied with a slight smirk on her face, I Huff as she raises an eyebrow.

"Yes hanji the only time he would ever deliver a message to me is if it were something important ."

" Look hanji I love you , you know this child but for the love of God I'm tired I have a head ache and I still have paper wo-"

I freeze I look over to the door and see an annoyed but small looking human standing at my doorway he huffed before placing my pen on my desk before looking back up at me to lock eye contact.

"Oh speaking of the devil!" Hanji cried  as she looked over to where he was standing

"Well seeing as you're here I don't really need to tell her do I ?"

She waits for his reply but the only thing she got was cold bitter silence

"Um levi that wasn't a rhetorical question...... Oh well if your not going to talk toe I'm sure Erwin will "

And with that she was out the door

"Were you the one who did all my paperwo-"


"Why though?? You don't seem like the type of person to do this stuff for anyone let alone for free"

"Technically I didn't do it for free think of this as a thank you" he replied bluntly .

"A thank u what for!? "


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