Truth or Dare

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Truth Or Dare


-Everyone is 21

(don't ask why)

-Do demons Do Orphanage


    Emma POV

I was getting bored so I got my friends to come over and play a game with me.


Norman POV

Emma brought me and Gilda, Don, Nat, Anna and Ray over.

"So we are going to Truth or Dare."

Emma said. I looked over to my sleepy boyfriend Ray, who was leaning his head against my shoulder. "Gilda! Truth or Dare!" As Emma yelled loudly, I got a little irritated if she kept yelling she's gonna wake up Ray. "Emma, can you lower your volume Ray is really tired and is trying to sleep." I said in the nicest but yet stern way possible. "I'm Sorry" she said in a softer tone. "Umm Gilda Truth or Dare." She said happily but too loud. " Dare." "I Dare you to slap Don."(Look i suck at Dares ok :c)

As gilda walks towards Dons and slaps him.

"I'm so sorry Don"

"It's fine but you're gonna buy me cupcakes after this." "Deal." "Whose turn is it?" I asked. "It's Gilda's turn now." Emma responded. "Ok Norman truth or dare."

"truth" "Do you still have feelings for Emma?" Why would Gilda ask that she knows that me and Ray have been dating for 2 years now and yes i did like Emma before but now i have MY Raven. "No, i have Ray and he's everything i need, he's perfect."

Gilda, Emma Anna were fangirling. "So Anna, truth or dare." I say as to break the weirdness. "Uh truth." She responded in a calm tone. "Do you like anyone if so who are they?" "No. i dont like anyone at the moment.’’ "What are you guys doing?" I heard a sleepy voice next to me. " Oh Ray you're awake." Nat said.

"Yeah i am so what game are we playing?" "We are playing truth or dare, love." I told him.


Ray's POV

We kept playing Truth or Dare for a couple more rounds. "Ok Ray truth or Dare." Emma said "Dare." And then I immediately regretted it as a devilish smile formed on her face." Kiss Norman infront of us~." I turned to Norman while my face was burning red."Well Love?" "Fine" I mutter under my breath.

It was a short kiss and as our lips pulled away I felt like a red tomato.

And then right after the game was done i dragged him home so we could cuddle.


Woed count : 418

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