"WHY ARE YOU TWO HOLDING HANDS?!" I rolled my eyes at her statement

"Aimu, people are staring at you. Stop that," Miwa scolded

"But Neesan! Why are—" she was cut off when an authoritative voice thundered 

The employees and other tourists who were staring at us immediately looked away and continued on what they were doing. Her heels was the only sound that you could hear in the cafeteria, every step was full of power and authority. She stopped right infront of Howl and roamed her eyes around the people the cafeteria before sighing then looked at Aimu

"Mr. Genovese, may I know what seems to be the problem of this matter?" The lady asked gracefully

"Good morning, Mrs. Mochizuki...well uhm...the thing is...." Howl was already stuttering

"The problem here is that why are those two together?! Like that!" Aimu complained making me feel more annoyed

Mrs. Mochizuki then looked at me from head to toe before smiling warmly at me. To be honest, I feel so embarrassed with her stares

"Are you two....dating, child?" She asked in soft voice

"Yes, we are....madam," I tried my best not to stutter

"I see...." Then look at Aimu "they're already dating so what's the problem if they're like that, miss?"

Aimu then stayed quiet before opening her mouth to speak but she was cut off by somebody else.

"Mamá, what's wrong?" Celestial asked as she walked towards Mrs. Mochizuki

Mamá? That's her mom?

"Nothing, mi hija. I just asked Mr. Genovese here about the commotion his visitor caused," she said rather straightforward

"How is that nothing, mamá?" The guy  who came in together with Celestial asked

"Because it wasn't that important, Jake" she replied

"If you say so then ok," he replied

"I better get going, me and your father has a flight to catch. Take care everyone and Celestial, please do look out for your siblings" she smiled as she caressed her daughter's cheek

"You know that I always do, mamá. You and Papá should take care...Jake, call Liam to drive mom and dad to the airport" she said

The guy called Jake obliged as Celestial's mother slightly bowed at us before leaving the place together with Jake. Howl told us to sit down and eat because according to him, after breakfast there will be a surprise

I was kinda curious what the surprise is but I acted like I wasn't interested at all— that even I don't know why. When we were all done eating and finally escaped from Aimu's nagging, we all headed to the front part of the resort and there I saw Celestial together with some unfamiliar faces except for Sunshine and Jake. They were standing beside a Yamaha R6 while doing there own thing like talking on the phone, talking to each other while Sunshine on the other hand was discussing something with her twin brothers—how? Easy. They have the same face

"Is it ready?" Howl asked when we were already near enough

"Ah.... yes, it is. This Yamaha R6 is upgraded by this trio so basically you have nothing to worry about getting this badboy stolen and more," Celestial explained

"I see....give it a go, sis" Howl suddenly asked


"I said...give it a go. It is, after all your birthday gift from me," he smiled

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