I Can't Remember

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"Red! Thank god." Ricky exclaimed breathlessly, as he ran up to the redhead who was currently ordering coffee from the hotel's mini coffee shop.

"Where the hell have you been? And what have you been doing?" Red asked, looking at him.

"Dude, I've been looking everywhere for you!" Ricky tried to catch his breath. "Where's Ej?"

"Getting breakfast at the buffet." Red shrugged.

"Good. Look at this." The curly haired man opened his hand to show his best friend the ring.

"It's a ring?"

"It's not just a ring. It's a wedding ring." Ricky informed him.

"Okay, so where did you find it?" Red raised an eyebrow.

"It's my wedding ring!" Ricky exclaimed, looking around to see if he had caught anyones attention.

"Okay... I'm confused. How is it your wedding ring?"

"That girl last night, we must have gotten wasted and then got married. I don't know! But I'm freaking out, man!"

"How do you know that you're actually married though?" The redhead asked.

Ricky felt around his pockets. "This." He pulled of the piece of paper and handed it to Red, who examined it. "I'm sure there's some logical explanation to this." Red reassured him. "Maybe she's just playing some practical joke on you?"

"But I signed it." Ricky pointed at his signature.

"Let's just find this place and ask if this is legit or not." Red suggested.

"Yeah. And we're not gonna tell Ej."

"Didn't plan on it. We should just leave now before he gets back."

Ricky nodded his head in agreement. He purchased a coffee and then they quickly made their way out of the hotel.

"Oh, happy birthday by the way." Red smiled.


"I hate airports." Ashlyn sighed.

"Why are we here so early? It's only 2. I could be getting drunk." Gina rolled her eyes.

"We're here because we might get put on an earlier flight, and you've drank enough this weekend to last you the next two years." Nini shook her head.

"So are you going to tell us what happened last night?" Kourtney smirked.

"Nothing happened!" Nini defended herself.

"Bullshit." Ash piped in.

"Look, I can barely remember anything. Can we just leave it, please?"

"Did you get his number?" Gina asked.

"No, why would I?"

"Because it might have been love." Ashlyn joked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"It wasn't love, it was a one time thing. End of conversation." The brunette folded her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Oh, damn." Kourtney laughed. "Well at least someone had fun."

"I'm going to the bathroom." Nini sighed and headed into the bathroom. Once there and out of sight, she took the ring back out and looked at it.

She rubbed her head desperately trying to remember what happened the night before. She had never seen the ring before, and it looked like a wedding ring. Did she steal it? Surely not. Had she come across it on the floor somewhere and picked it up for safe keeping. Possibly, but that didn't explain why she was wearing it. Maybe she just wanted to try it on? She shook her head and put it back in her pocket.

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