Zakery:You know I don't mind a male nanny but I do draw the line at a male wetnurse.

We laugh more than before.

Monica:Oh, are on a roll mister!.

Zakery:If I'd known you guys were coming over I would have brought more pizza.

   Everyone but me all burst out in a thundering laugh.

Monica:Okay,okay...Zak you,you stop it!."Wipes away tears".

Zakery:What is so funny about that?.

  That's when our friends realise it wasn't a joke.

Monica:Well I don't know.I-It's just the way you say it...I mean you're funny.You have that funny thing.You're a funny guy!.

Zakery:"Turns to Joey".Did you tell her what we talked about?.

Joey starts laughing hysterically but then gets serious again.


Zakery:So those were pity laughs?.Pity Laughs?.

   Me,Joey and Ross walk away from the kitchen.

Monica:Honey listen.You have nothing to worry about with Geoffrey.

Zakery:Oh yeah?.Is he funnier than me?.

Monica:Well you're,you're different funny.I mean you're,you're more sarcastic like Chandler a-a-and well he does bits and impressions and,and limericks.

Zakery:I do limericks...uhm.There once was a man named Zakery whose wife made him die inside.

Monica:Honey you know I think you're hilarious.Come on you know that joke you told me last week?.The one about Jerry Lewis and the girl with the lazy eye?.

Zakery laughs.

Monica:That slayed me.

Ross:Hey...I made up that joke and told it to you!.

  Ross points at Chandler.Joey gestures to Ross "What are you doing?".

Elizabeth:Not knowing when to shut up.

Ross:Yep.That's my thing.

-November 14th 2002-

   Me,Rachel and Monica are hanging out at Monica and Chandler's apartment and Phoebe enters, knocking on the door.



Phoebe:Listen.You have to help me pick a dress cause I'm meeting Mike's parents tonight.

Me and Rachel gasp.

Monica:Wow the boyfriend's parents!. That's a big step.

Phoebe:"Sarcastically".Really?.That hadn't occurred to me.

Elizabeth:They just gonna love you just be yourself.

Phoebe:They live on the upper east side on Park Avenue.

Rachel:Oh yeah she can't be herself.

Phoebe:Okay so...alright...Which dress?.

   Phoebe holds up two Phoebe dresses and Me,Rachel and Monica look at them taking our time not wanting to hurt Phoebe.

Phoebe:You can say neither.

Rachel,Monica:Oh God neither.

Elizabeth:I'm sorry Sis but we're gonna take you shopping or look in my closet.It's gonna be fine.

Rachel:Yeah totally.You are in such good hands.And I'm so good with meeting parents.With the father you know you want to flirt a little bit but not in a gross way.Just kind of like Oh mr.Pincer I can see where Wallis gets his good looks.

Monica:You went out with Wallis Pincer?.

Rachel:Uh he took the SAT's for me.

Monica:I knew you didn't get a 1400!.

Rachel:Sh yeah well duh!.I mean... about with Mike's mom?.

Rachel:Oh with the mother.just,just constantly tell her how amazing her son is. Take it from me moms love me.Ross's mom one time actually said I'm like the daughter that she never had.

Monica:"Looks in disbelief".She said what?.

Phoebe:That's she's like the daughter she never had."Points at her ears".Listen!.

-November 20th 2002-

  Azula and my father enter Me and Chandler's apartment and we give them hugs.

Azula:How far along are you now?.

Elizabeth:"Smiles".8 months tommorow.

Kal:Got the name figured out yet?.

Chandler:We are nearing towards Jayla Beatrice Harper but we are looking at other options.

Azula:I'm gonna be a grandma."Tears up".

Elizabeth:And one of the best.

Kal:She's been a emotional for the last few days.

Azula:I'm just so happy.

Chandler:We all are."Grins".

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