Buggy lift you up higher from the ground, like a few feet above him or so "You got some nerves to mess with me you brat!"

Luffy snorts, shouting angrily "No you got some nerve to mess with my crew you clown wannabe!"

Was it really possible to see steam coming out of Buggy's ears?Yeah, and it ain't stopping.

"Crew?What crew?" Buggy snickers at him, seeming to forget about you, laughing ever so slowly "All I see here is two brats about to meet death in person-"

"LUFFY AND ZORO ARE NOT BRATS!" By now your kicking and squirming everywhere, it only bugs Buggy more though "YOU MEANIE PUT ME DOWN!"

"Yeah!Tell him (Y/N)!"

Buggy held you infront of his face, glaring down at you "Meanie?Well you got some baAAHH!"

You kick him in the nose, which he lets you go, and you bolt over to Luffy.Once near he made you stay behind him and stay with Zoro just in case.

"Oh waite till I have my grubby hands on you twerp!" He run his nose, grumbling "..fucking mini sized Shanks I swear."

Luffy eyes widen "WHA?!YOU KNOW SHANKS?!"

"Know him?Oh I was a crew mate with that idiot!"

"COOL!Hey can you tell me where he is?I want to return this to him!"

Buggy eyes Luffy, soon he tched at see Shanks hat "I knew that old hat looks fimialer.." he pulls out some swords, using his devil fruit ability, attacking Luffy "...not gonna tell ya kid, I'll make this quick and painless."

And like that Luffy avoids every attack given by Buggy, it going on for what felt like hours but really it was 7 minutes, soon Luffy got cut in the face by Buggy.

"That was a mean trick."

Luffy whole demeanor changed, almost like the time you got hurt at the marine base, his eyes not being seen again.

Buggy smirks in pride "But that is the way of a pirate yes?Boozes, travels the sea, treasure, steal, the life of a pirate!"



The swords used to hurt Luffy came back from behind him, which he dodged, but his hat was taken away from him.

"To think that Shanks would put false hopes in your head?" Buggy throws the hat on the floor, stomping on top of it "What a shame really."

Luffy was feeling only rage, he didn't hear you call out to him or anything of his actions, but soon Nami came behind you guys with tons of treasure.She was taunting the hell out of Buggy.

"That's.." Buggy separates from his body, not all going with him, as he attacks Nami "...mY TREASURE!"

Before he could get far Luffy kicks him hard in the no-no square, causing him to fall and groan in pain.You giggle at that, it was funny.

"I made up my mind Luffy.." Nami chimes, smiling herself "..I'll join your crew to the Grand Line, that's it-."

"So your joining the crew?"

Nami blows a fuze "DID YOU NOT JUST HEAR WHAT I SAID?!"

Suddenly Buggy was up again, this time going crazy, Luffy getting ready to fight again while Nami backs up away from Buggy.

"That treasure is mine little girl!Your not going to taks that from me-!"

Buggy did dodge this one, Luffy was able to hit him and send him into alot of peices all over the place.Soon Nami began to tie up Buggy's parts, you join in to help out, before Buggy was up again.

"Now you done it.." He looks up, glaring daggers "...come back to me my body!"

Like said it did...but what was left of him was a small man below your knee.

Buggy sweat drops "W-What?"

Luffy smirks along with cracking his knuckles, Buggy was now stuck and he can't do anything to prevent what is gonna happen now.

"Alright!Shanks is somewhere in the Grand Line so-!"

Nope.He was sent sky high.Bye Buggy.

You gently shake Zoro shoulder "Wake up!Wake up!"

He groans "5 more minutes.."

Nami and Luffy was talking about something before a bunch of people came out with weapons and stuff.Looking really angry.

"Mayor!" The crowd panics, getting very angry "Who did this?!"

"Oh that, well I did."

Zoro, Nami, and you look at Luffy in shock.He just did not say that just now..

The crowd was really mad "You...did this?Why??"

Luffy smiles proudly, pointing at every single one of us "We are pirates!"

Zoro was up now, well sorta, looking at Luffy "..What now Captain?"

"Simple." With quick haste your running like hell itself as Luffy picks up Zoro and ran while Nami had her treasure in her arms "Run haHAHA!"

-time skip after your in the boat-

"So where we heading off to?" Nami ask, you in her boat then Luffy's.

Luffy and Zoro shrug both saying nothing, until the mayor comes running and shouting.

The mayor looks exhausted "YOU YOUNG ONES!.." He was shaking but tears going down his face "...THANK YOU!THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!"

Everyone smile, waving back at the man who cried there...that was till Nami see one of her bags of treasure behind.


Luffy nods, proud of himself "Well duh!They need that money in order to rebuild their town-!"

Nami jumps over the edge of the boat to grab Luffy's head "WHO CARES!" you and Zoro laugh as Luffy was being forced into the water by Nami "THAT BAG MUST HAVE BEEN ABOUT 5 THOUSAND BERRIES YOU IDIOT!"



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