Shijima-san of the Art Room/ with Kou

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it was the same day on the other side of the school with Kou Minamoto. he grabbed his notebook and sat down in a pretty empty classroom "oh." he saw flowers on his desk "who did this?" he was curious and looked around and saw someone wiping down the blackboard "soo glad you could make it sleepyhead!" he boy had pink hair and a school uniform on "Mitsuba?" the boy turned around "uh yeah, did you forget we have class chores today? stupid traffic safety earring." Mitsuba grabbed the blackboard eraser and put it on Kou's face "you're late, I changed the water in the flowers and cleaned the blackboards all by myself! I was lonely you know?"  all the while tapping the eraser powder on Kou's face before Kou grabbed it and did the same to Mitsuba "stop that!" "AHH STOP! you're getting my precious face dirty!!" class started soon after as Kou pondered the possibilities "he did become a school mystery, maybe he used it to fit in." he muttered while writing his notes. he looked over at Mitsuba and everyone else interacting with him "for the next problem Minamoto and Mitsuba please come up." Mitsuba and Kou went up and Kou looked at him as being normal, which was odd. he whispered to Mitsuba "can I see you after class?" Mitsuba nodded with a smile "sure." After class, Kou stood out in the hallway waiting for Mitsuba "what's on your mind, Kou?" Kou looked down "my sister has gone missing." Mitsuba was shocked "w-what? you have a sister?" Mitsuba's mouth dropped "I-I'm so sorry." Kou took out the note that was left in his house "this was left in her place" Mitsuba read it and gasped "what is this *number 7* thing and why would they need you to exorcise it?" Kou took it back "I knew you wouldn't remember. even if you did why would you want to admit it right?" Mitsuba stepped back as Kou took out his stopwatch *click* it opened and nothing happened "what the.?" he looked at it again "why would it not...?" Mitsuba looked at him with concern "did you just want to show me the new stopwatch and the kidnapper?" Kou looked at him with fear "every time I talked to you in between dreams, gone." Kou hugged Mitsuba "I'm so sorry Mitsuba. I tried to help and all I did is mess it up more." Mitsuba didn't move but a single tear flowed down his face that he wiped instantly "g-get off me you pervert!" "yeah that what you called me when we first met." Kou smiled and stepped back "but now your alive, and a new person right?" Kou started to tear up "it doesn't matter how many times I have to do it, I WILL MAKE YOU REMEMBER ME! I can't let you go again." he clenched his fist and put it over his heart "I PROMISE!" Mitsuba started to walk away "class is going to start soon, come on Kou." They headed to Science class.

halfway through an experiment Mitsuba's beaker shattered and injured his hand "wh-what do I do?" Mitsuba was scared as Kou watched "come on, I'll take you to the nurse's office, for now, let's give it some pressure" he washed to wound in one of the nearby sinks then he took his scarf off and wrapped it around Mitsuba's injured hand "ow-it hurts" Kou was careful in wrapping it "don't worry, I'm almost done." Mitsuba winced as Kou tied the knot "there, let's go to the nurse to get it looked at." Mitsuba looked at his hand "fine." he said while pouting after they got out of class Kou grabbed Mitsuba's undamaged hand and walked with him. "you know, I could've walked by myself. unless maybe you're really worried about me?" Kou took Mitsuba's hands and kissed his damaged one "if you really are back, I don't want to waste this time we have together." "could Yashiro Nene come to the office please? can Yashiro Nene come to the office?" the PA system over their heads said as Mitsuba blushed "what are you doing?" Mitsuba pushed him away "we were friends in First-year sure but, what happened to make you do that?" just then a girl went by with green hair "coming through" her voice was dull almost monotoned as she passed them and ran to the library at the end of the hall while Kou and Mitsuba watched her "rude much?" Mitsuba said as Kou turned back around to head to the nurse's office "come on, you're still injured right?" Mitsuba looked at his hand "yeah, WAIT FOR ME!" he ran to catch up with Kou and they walked together until they went in "please have a seat, she'll be with you in a bit" Mitsuba was fidgeting with his hand "hey, be careful you might open it again and get a scar." Kou gave a gentle smile as he put his hand on Mitsuba's. The desk lady came back out "she's ready to see you." Mitsuba and Kou went in to see a woman with dark blue hair in a short twintail. she saw them and smiled "nice to meet you, my name is Marinette. please sit down, Mitsuba... right?" Mitsuba nodded and sat on the medical table "good, I'm still a bit new here so you'll have to excuse me if I get your name wrong." Kou sat on the other guest chair "I guess you're his friend right?" Kou nodded "yeah, just a little science accident" Marinette took of the scarf "here we go, this is going to hurt. just some glass pieces got into the wound so I'll have to get them all out for it to heal correctly." she got up and grabbed some tweezers "please be still for me, do you need your friend to help you keep calm?" Mitsuba was scared "yes please." Marinette looked to Kou and motioned for him to sit next to Mitsuba "now hold each other's hands as tight as you need but, try not to break them OK." she smiled at her joke "ok" Marinette took her pocket magnifying glass and looked at the hand "there are 3 pieces so please keep still." she took one out and Mitsuba grasped Kou's hand tight "2 more." Marinette got one then another out with no problem "there, you should be ready for some Neosporin and a bandage." she took it out of the drawer and applied it to Mitsuba's hand while Mitsuba looked at Kou who was smiling kindly at him "you did well Mitsuba." Mitsuba's smile was small almost unnoticeable. "thanks." Mitsuba looked away at a poster that read {hang onto your past like a branch of a tree that produced the most fruit} with a picture of a cat and a pear on a branch. "there you go, you should be ready for the next class. just try not to use your left hand too much. OK?" Mitsuba and Kou nodded "you're released." Kou and Mitsuba walked side by side but didn't talk the whole way back. "I..." Mitsuba stuttered before he entered the door "I should tell you something." Kou smiled "whatever it is, tell me after class alright?." "yeah." Mitsuba looked at Kou as he took his seat and whispered something. before he saw someone familiar enter the room. he screamed.

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