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hello and welcome back to me talking about whatever i want

however today i won't be complaining but trying to criticize since i've been wanting to do that stuff for a while and since y'know i don't have the best stuff when it comes to recording videos so i have to do it here

today i'll be kind of criticizing dream what a surprise


now disclaimer
🏃im new to the whole criticism thing, so if i sprinkle in some opinions, forgive me, i'll try to do better next time🏃


so, as you may know, im not quite happy with dream currently.
from his response to the speedrun allegations to his response to the cp incident, im seeing how he always seems to respond to controversies in a defensive way; as he should, but in a too defensive way where it almost looks like arrogance at times.
he basically mauled the mods with his multiple tweets back in december, kind of acting like a certain orange man we all know.
okay let's just get into it i guess and start with his response to the speedrun allegations


okay, so, did dream cheat? most of us aren't exactly sure, feeling like philza in one of his streams where he said "i saw two people do things with facts and im still confused" (i saw an animatic of that ngl i loved it the youtubers name is obscuritea if you wanna watch it)
so most of us are on the fence, me kind of included. were big words needed in his response?? possibly, probably, as it is a mathematical situation that depends on statistics.


i'm not going to try and debunk his speedruns even though im slightly tempted to, that's not why im here. i'm leaning towards the fact he did cheat, but we can never really know for sure. (i was going to make a blond person joke here but i'm trying to be professional whoops)


you can probably see the tweets for yourself on dream's second twitter account, @///dreamwastaken if you scroll down to around mid to the end of december. reading it definitely shows how passionate he is when it comes to speedrunning, but being passionate can soon lead to arrogance and snarky and/or snippy remarks, a road that many creators have taken and dream will probably be down on that line eventually. as much as a few others and i don't want that to happen, it will probably be inevitable.


now to the cp incident. this one really boils my.. eggs? i forgot the saying. not the point.

so, dream was accused of being okay with fanartists drawing cp, child p××n. you can probably fill in that two letter blank by yourself, as i don't feel comfortable saying it.
dream made a response to these accusations, basically saying "lol no" to them. now, i can't put words in his mouth. i can't jump to conclusions. twitter did that for me.

i don't feel like getting a screenshot, but on january 22rd on his second twitter account, he made his response.


"I've said this before but don't ship creators they are uncomfortable with it, and especially not minors. It's disgusting to draw NSFW stuff about minors or anyone that hasn't explicitly said it's fine."

good response, right? right. but his follow up comment is the true problem in this.

"Also, I'm not a minor and no one that has ever been in any of my videos ever is a minor, yet somehow this is my fault :woozy_face:"


this is the problem with his statement. the "yet somehow this is my fault".
the original statement was okay and reasonable and good, but the follow up comment is what people have a problem with, understandably!

going back to the tweet, then the comment, then to the replies of the comment.

there's a mix of dream fans/stans, ratios, people seeing the snark, etc.


one reply to a comment really kinda made me realize something, which says,

"for real though and he waited until the topic was trending to even address it"

this, in all honesty, is true. he probably acknowledges the information and waits until people are basically biting his ankles wanting a response.


another reply, by the user of DreamToilet (i just really find the username funny so i had to) said,

"was that necessary to say
you don't need to stroke the flames"

in a reply to a comment, they also said

".. he didn't need to add the second bit. He may have reason to do so, but just because you have a reason doesn't make it a good idea."


honestly, i appreciate how dreams literal toilet can acknowledge what's wrong with his follow up comment. even a bathroom appliance can see the faults in some of his responses.


okay well that's it i guess
my fingers hurt and im hungry so im gonna go eat and talk to cris
bye bye now hope nobody's angry at me for making this




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