Chapter 1

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"CALEB wake up or you'll be late for school"Cody yelled from downstairs
"Cody I'm up you don't have to yell"I yelled back getting out of bed and I walk to the bathroom to take a shower and I come out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist

I get dressed in a t-shirt,spiked collar,black jeans,black and white converse
And I walk downstairs to see my brother Cole sitting at the kitchen table and I Make my way to him
"Good morning Caleb"He Said Looking at me sitting there
"Morning Cody"I Said Sitting Down across from him
"Excited for school today"He Said eating breakfast
"Cody no I'm not excited for school...besides who would be excited to go to that hell of a school"I Said eating my food
"Caleb language,you don't use that language at this table or this house in a matter of fact"He Said looking at me
"You use that kinda language Cody,where else did I get it from"I Said eating my food
"Caleb I'm aloud too and you are going to be late for school so get going"He Said getting up from the table
"Alright bye Cody"I said getting up and grabbing my book bag and my car keys and leave out the door
"Bye Caleb have a great day at school"He Said leaving the kitchen

At the school:
I park my car in my parking spot and grab my keys and bookbag and get out of the car and locking my car "Ugh...I hate being here because you guessed it I get bullied by the dumbest guys I know"I Said walking to the entrance of the school
I started to walk to my locker and I saw Sebastian,Carter, and Garret standing at a locker two feet away from me "Please do not see me at all,I just want to have a good day without being bullied"I Said at my locker putting my book bag inside

"Hey Sebastian,Look who's here today"Carter said to Sebastian
"Great,I'll be right back you guys...I have to have a little talk with little Caleb"Sebastian said walking to me
*ugh no please...oh gosh Sebastian is coming over to he going to beat me up,say mean things to me,or does he just want to talk to me*i Said thinking in my head at my locker
"Hey little Caleb"Sebastian said looking at me with those green eyes
"H-Hi S-Sebastian"I Said stuttering while looking at him
"Gosh Caleb you know I hate you stuttering when I'm talking to you"Sebastian said really irritated and slammed me into the locker holding me there
"Sebastian please...I'm sorry,I won't stutter ever again...I did your homework like you ask me too"I Said Looking at him while being pinned to the locker
"Good boy...Caleb...why don't you give me my homework then"Sebastian said letting me go and just Stands there
"Yes Sebastian"I Said turning around to my locker and grabbing Sebastian's homework
"Caleb hurry up please"Sebastian Said really irritated while waiting for me
"Okay Sebastian"I Said having his homework in my hands and turning around facing him and handing his homework to him
"Thank you Caleb...but don't think you are off the hook off your beatings today...I will see you after school"Sebastian said grabbing his homework from my hands and walking away to his friends

After School:
I was walking out the school main doors and was walking home,but I hear three laughs at the corner
"Oh great It's Sebastian and his dumb group"I Said walking to them
"Hey Caleb...I knew you come right like I told you too"Sebastian Said getting really close to me
"Please Sebastian I really don't want a beating today"I Said pleading for him not to do it while I was backing up I hit a wall
"Oh but Caleb you see,you are my punching bag though,and too be honest with you it is so much fun to me and my friends"Sebastian said trapping me between the wall so i can't go anywhere at all
*gosh now I'm really going to get a beating right now,Why does Sebastian hate me,what did I do to him to deserve all of this treatment from him*I Said Thinking in my head But was pulled out of my thoughts when the first punch came
"Get him Sebastian"Carter and Garret said watching all this
"Sebastian please stop it please"I Said whimpering while he is beating me senseless
"You know what Caleb I really hate your guts"Sebastian said dropping me on the ground
"Sebastian I'm sorry please"I Said on the ground and I sit against the wall outside the school
"Let this be a warning Caleb"Sebastian said walking away "let's go you two"Sebastian Said still walking away
"Coming Sebastian"Carter and Garret said while running to him
"Great why does this always happen to me"I Said getting up off the ground and walk to a bench or something
*i wish Sebastian would really stop hurting me so much,I wish I knew why he hates me so much,I guess I will never find out i guess*I Said thinking in my head once again
"Thank gosh I see a bench"I Said Sitting on the bench "I hope Cody is okay,I bet he is really worried about me"I Said just looking up at the sky

"Got to get home"Xander Said while Driving but something catches my eyes and I stop my car
"I hate school so much....why is it me that gets bullied....I've done nothing wrong"I Said Sitting on the bench with my head down
"Gosh I hope he is okay I'm just going to make sure he's okay"Xander Said getting out of his car and closing the door and walking to him

I know someone is coming my way and I start to flinch a little *please don't be them...please don't be them*i Said thinking in my head

"Hey you okay there"Xander Said standing right in front of him
I look up at him "no I'm not okay"I Said Looking at him with sad eyes
I see he sits down next to me "hey what happened to you if you don't by me asking"He Said
" guys that go to my school they were beating me up"I Said looking at him
"Hey it's okay,by the way what's your name"He Said Looking at me
"My name is Caleb King, what's yours"I Said smiling a little
"Nice to meet you Caleb, and my name is Xander Collins"He Said Looking at me with kind eyes
"Wait Xander Collins the Xander Collins"I said looking at him just to see what he says
"Yes that is me,I guess you know who I am"He Said smiling at me
"Yes I do"I Said blushing a little and I look away
"Well...why don't I just give you a ride back to my place"He Said getting up off the bench picking me up
"Alright I don't mind"I Said Letting him pick me up with me holding my book bag

(In Xander's car):
I am sitting in Xander's car in the passenger seat while he is driving home and the drive was quiet at first
"Hey do you have any siblings Caleb"He Said driving
"Yes I do have a sibling,my older brother you have any siblings Xander"I Said Looking at him
"That's awesome Caleb,and no I do not have any siblings I am a only child in my family"He Said driving
"Yeah I love my brother...he's the only family I have to be honest,and does it get lonely for you Xander"I Said Looking out the car window
"Oh...really why's that but you don't have to tell me I will understand,and not really and I like being the only child"He Said driving still
"I really don't want to talk about it really,but oh really you like being the only child"I Said still looking out the window
"Okay I Understand,And Yes"He Said driving
"Alright"I Said Looking our the window still

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