Final Chapter

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Whitney has become just a distant memory in Xe's life. As Xe has inflated, it seems that Whitney has drifted further and further away. Not that Whitney has moved further away. The space-time between Whitney and Xe has stretched, such that the consciousness of Whitney has had to travel a longer and longer distance. Thus seemingly fading away, as light from a distant star gradually disappears over time.

In the moment, it didn't make a whole lot of sense. Why did Whitney's memory have to fade with time? The answer appeared as Xe gained an increased understanding of the concept of time. One of the lessons learned in Xe's education. The lesson learned was that the accepted way of describing time was all wrong. Time is not a linear thing that consists of past, present, and future. That's a nice way to describe it, considering the limitations that language places on our perceptions. But language cannot do time adequate justice. Language attempts to describe, to put into words, what it is we perceive. Alas, what we observe and experience is not reality. It is just an approximation.

Xe has come to realize that time is simply a reflection of the teachings of The Laws of Everything. As the universe is perceived to be an all pervasive field, so is time. Time exists all around Xe. It is everywhere, as space-time is everywhere. It only becomes linear when we perceive a small perturbation or vacuum fluctuation in a field that results in a point particle. Then, an instance of time appears that creates a past, present, and future. Until the point inflates out.

Whitney is just such a point. A point that was born to become, and then inflate out. Only to be inflated back in somewhere else. Into the Xe that exists on Xeron. So Whitney has not faded away. She has become a part of everything that surrounds Xe. There at all times. Pervasive as of all of space-time.

Xe continues to inflate on Xeron in the form of an experienced scientist. After finishing studies of The Laws of Everything, Xe has managed to carve out a niche unique to Xe. As a particle physicist, cosmologist, and paleoanthropologist. Specializing in the actions of everything that takes place in a universe. At the smallest of scales. To the most immeasurable of objects.

Xe likes to tinker. To explore the edges. Xe has invented a process by which interactions between the particles of everything can be captured. Xe can be inserted between the interaction of two particles, such that travel between universes is possible. Made easier. To be inserted directly into a life form for a period of time before eventually inflating out. Xe's choice of life form? Humans on a planet called Earth. Xe is studying their evolution to figure out how all of it started and how all of it will play out. Do they fit in with The Laws of Everything and the continuum of inflation discovered by Xerellians?

The calculations made by Xe place the transformation to humans to be about 4.5 million Earth years ago. There was an inhabitant there called Ardipithecus that first gained attention that long ago. This seemed to be a turning point in human evolution. This was the place where Xe wanted to be. Discovering one of those times where a difference is made. Witnessing an adaptation that would change the course of human development forever. Within the time it takes two particles to dance, Xe was off.

The transformative journey completed, Xe's eyes opened to a cool, moist rush of air into his nostrils. After a couple of blinks to clear the sleep and presumably the cobwebs, Xe was aware of himself lying on his back looking up into a sky of early morning darkness. Not the black of night, but the dark blue of early morning. By all calculations, Xe had arrived at his destination. Lying in a nest made from the folded branches, twigs, and leaves of a heavily foliated fig tree. Xe slowly stretched and yawned to wake himself. Up in the canopy of an abundantly wooded area, on the edge of an open savanna 4.5 million Earth years ago.

Xe has been on this Earth before. At this time and in this place. Like Xe, we all continue to loop back and forth between universes. We inflate out. We inflate back in somewhere else. Every once in awhile, we just need a place that we know we can, we can come home to.

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