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Evie Pov
"So are you gonna tell me were we are going or?" I giggled, sitting in the car as we drove down the rode.

We just left the house ten minutes ago and Kobey, Wes and Lennon are in the car with us as well, were dropping them off at the vet and the boys will go pick them up later.

"No, its a surprise" Corbyn denied again.

"How long are we going to be driving?" I asked.

"After dropping off Kobey, Wes and Lennon off it will be, uh, ruffly three hours" Corbyn answered.

"Three hours? Geese, i better like whatever this is" i rolled my eyes.

"Oh you will, i know it" Corbyn smiled at me.

I heard a small wine and Kobe had his paws up on the center console staring at me.

"You want on my lap kobe?" I lifted my arm amd he crawled into a little ball on my lap and i began to pet him.

"Can you give me a hint?" I pryde further, Corbyn snickered, shaking his head.

"Fine, one hint" he gave in and i grinned cheekily "you get to see something you have never seen before."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him and opened my mouth to ask another question but Corbyn raised a finger silencing me "No, no more thats all you get."

I pouted at him but he wouldn't give in.

"Freya mentioned briefly that she has been going to the gun range lately and practicing her aim" Corbyn mentioned a small conversation before we left the house.

"Yeah, actually she goes with me whenever i go but after the whole, getting kidnapped by vampire's thing happened she spends a good chunk of her time there and she has gotten very good" i smiled.

"Should come in handy if anything were to happen, knock on wood, i aint jinxing anything" Corbyn chuckled.

"Yeah we have had enough of the supernatural drama" i talked with my hands as we pulled into the vets parking lot.

I put a leash on Kobey and Corbyn got out to get the two crates that Wes and Lennon were in amd we walked through the door into the building.

Corbyn talked with the receptionist about the appointment and a vet came to take the crates and kobey.

"Alright, lets get goin" Corbyn clapped his hands, slinging an arm around me when we walked out.

Feeling a slight wind in my hair as we stood infront of the car, Corbyn's eyes were trained on something.

I was about to ask what was up when he spoke.

"Evie get in the car" Corbyn told me in a serious tone, pushing my back a bit to the door.

I didn't say anything i just got in, knowing that when he is serious to not question him.

Corbyn got in and didn't waste any time pulling out and down the rode again.

"Was there a problem?" I asked concerned.

"It was just" Corbyn stopped to find his words "there was a car in the lot and a shady looking man watching us...i feel like i know him but i cant put my finger on it."

"Oh..." i muttered, understanding the situation now.

"But everything's good now, we good" Corbyn gave me a thumbs up, lightning the mood.

I hooked up my phone to the radio and put on 'Hey Mama'.

Corbyn and i bobbed our heads to the loud music.

"Be my woman girl, imma, be your man" Corbyn pointed at himself to me then onec more time as it played again.

Throughout the song we lip synched and actually sang some parts.

I took a breath as the music ended and looked for another song.

"So what next?" Corbyn asked and i giggled putting another song on.

~1 hour later~
"I have to pee" i huffed, sitting in a car forever gets boring and i haven't had a single rest room to use.

"There's a rest stop ahead and you can pee" Corbyn laughed and looked into the reer view mirror for the millionth time.

For the past ten minutes Corbyn has continuously been checking the reer view mirror and i have no clue why.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Hm?" Corbyn hummed in response.

"Is there a problem?" I restate "you wont stop looking in that mirror."

"Oh uh, its nothing dont worry" he brushed it off.

"When you tell me not to worry that makes me worried" i respond in a duh tone.

"Everything's fine" Corbyn put his hand over mine, glancing away from the rode to smile at me.

He turned into a rest stop intersection where a small building with bathrooms, a few pick nick tables sat on the feild.

We stopped and i hopped out of the car, stretching out, a few popping sounds heard.

"Alright, go pee" Corbyn waved me off to the rest room that i gladly made my way twards.

I walked into the small building and into the girls rest room area.

It smelt a bit nasty walking in "ew" i tried to breath less as i did my business.

Washing my hands and finally getting out of the stink hole and out of the small building i was about to get something from the vending machine when i saw Corbyn.

He was across the lot talking to a man, he didn't seem happy.

Tilting my head i started to speed walk over to him.

"I dont know who you are but stop following us" Corbyn took a step twards the man.

The unknown man looked to be mid thirties, brown hair and dark eyes, didn't look like a nice person, more shady than anything.

"Hey" i spoke, stepping up behind Corbyn and he instantly relaxed "whats going on?"

"This guy is the one i saw in the parking lot at the vet watching us, and he has been following us ever since" anger began to well inside him once more.

The man looked at me strangely, like he already new me and it made me uncomfortable with the look as if he had other intentions.

"Whats your problem?" I stood next to Corbyn speaking to the unknown man.

"Miss i dont know why he is accusing me of this but i assure you that i have not been following you" he spoke in a respectful manner.

"I dont believe you, he wouldn't get like this if you weren't" i crossed my arms.

"Well i-" Corbyn cut him off.

"Save it, if i see you again it wont be pretty" he threatened, placing his hand on the small of my back, leading me back to the car.

"That was weird" i sat down in the car.

"Tell me about it, i dont want him anywhere near you, the way he looked at you just..." Corbyn took a deep frustrated sigh "i didn't like it."

"I hope he didn't take that threat lightly or he's in for it" i scoffed, Corbyn pulling out of the rest stop, checking repeatedly to see if the man was still following us.

"He hasn't moved, i dont think he took it lightly" Corbyn snickered and i laughed, rolling my eyes.

Lets goooo, first chapter of the sequel and already got some stuff happening, if only they new what went down after they left...

Can i get a Wayho?

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