2- satan is magical

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I walked down the hallway and found the classroom- room 221. I laughed to myself as I thought of Sherlock before remembering some of the shows *events*, which made me sad. I opened the door and found a welcoming classroom. Though it was large like most rooms there, I still felt calm.

"Welcome to Literature Two," The professor said with a kind smile. "My name is Professor Bradbury, but you can call me Charlie."

I took a seat and listened in on the chatting between Charlie and a few students.

"Are you and Lucifer married?" a student asked.

"Ew! No! He's my brother. I'm a lesbian anyways."

"Ewwww, you're gay?" another student piped in with a disgusted look.

"Yes, I am," Charlie replied. "And I'm also the one who grades your papers. So if you don't want F's all year I recommend showing some respect"

"Oooooohhhh roasted" some kids nearby said. The homophobe picked up his bag and scoffed as he left. I laughed a little bit and watched as the door closed behind him. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The lesson had already been going for about 10 minutes and I already knew I would enjoy this class based on Charlie's personality. 

I was taking notes and paying attention (which was rare for me) when the door to the class opened and a kid came rushing in. He looked around the room and saw the empty seat next to me, which was the closest one to where he was standing. I scooted over to make room for him before he threw his books on the desk, sat down, and glanced at the front of the room to see if Charlie saw him come in late. She didn't.

He turned to me and gave me an unsure smile. "Hi..." he whispered nervously and out of breath.


"Thank you for letting me sit here, please don't tell the Professor that I'm late." 

"I won't tell her, but you're giving me an explanation after class."

"Okay, deal."


The lesson went by quickly and I wasn't paying attention to any of it. I couldn't resist staring at the gorgeous man next to me and wondering about him. 

I left and was about to start heading to my car when someone grabbed my shoulder I turned around and saw the guy from class. 

"Woah there, did you forget about the deal?" He chuckled

"Oh yeah, I actually did," I said with a blush.

"Where are you headed?" 

"Well I was just going to go back to my dorm, I don't have another lesson until 2" He looked up at the clock, which read 12:03.

"I don't have another until 3, so do you maybe want to get lunch?" 

I smiled a little bit and turned to look at him "Sure." 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Me and the man, whose name I still didn't know, had agreed to go to a small diner off-campus. I had never been there before, but he assured me that they have amazing food. We got in our separate cars and drove over there. I ended up following him because I forgot the directions he gave me, but he didn't seem to care or notice. 

I finally got there and went inside to find a table. I immediately saw a woman making small talk with the man. 

"How have you been, Ellen?" The guy asked.

"It's been okay. Bobby has been helping me take care of Jo, so we should be fine."

"Great. Tell Jo hi for me, will ya?"

The woman smiled and nodded before going back to work. The stranger turned around and gestured me towards the table. "You can sit."

I sat down and he sat across from me, only taking a few seconds before he spoke again. 

"So, what's your name? I never got it."

"Castiel. What's yours?"


"Nice to meet you then, Dean." I held out my hand and Dean took it to shake.

"Soooo..." Dean began asking. "Why were you late to class? I saw you just outside before it started."

I blushed at the realization that Dean was the attractive guy from earlier, but decided to carry on. 

"Well-" I tried to start, but I was interrupted.

"His brother, Gabriel, is a total prankster. He got glitter on him from a prank before class and he had to change." A random voice came from beside the table and they both turned to see who it was.

The man in front of them looked like he was in his 20s, maybe about 23. He had an odd red shade of eyes and blond hair. 

"Who are you, and how do you know that?" I questioned.

"My name's Lucifer, I'm a professor at the school."

"Wait, you're related to Charlie, right?" Dean asked.


"That doesn't answer my last question." I chimed in. 

"Oh, I know that because satan is a magical being who knows all." He replied nonchalantly. 

Dean and I both glanced similar looks of confusion before turning around to see that Lucifer had disappeared. 

"Strange..." I muttered. 

We sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, and I was about to say something when the waiter came up to us. 

"Hey there, can I take your order?" The man said in a caucasian accent.

He had a short light brown beard that matched the small ruffle of hair on his head. I looked down at his name tag and read it to myself 


Dean spoke first and I flinched in alarm as I was broke from my train of thought. 

"I'll have the bacon cheeseburger with fries." 

They both looked at me and I panicked in the heat of the moment.

"I'll have that too," I said out of instinct. What were you thinking? I asked myself. You don't even like bacon.

"Is that all?" Benny asked us.

"Yep, it is. Right, Cas?" Dean turned to look at me.

"Yeah, that's all," I answered. Benny turned and winked at Dean before going over to the counter. We sat there for a few more seconds before the realization hit me-

"You called me Cas?" I turned to Dean and tilted my head in confusion. Dean turned a light shade of red and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, are you okay with that? Castiel is just so long..." 

(I would make a joke about length here but I'll leave that to the comments)

"Yeah, it's fine," I reassured him.

We ended up talking for a bit after that, just small things like school. The food arrived shortly afterwards (Dean ended up taking my burger) and it was actually nice having someone to talk to.

"Oh shit, It's already 1:30," I said after checking my watch. I started to grab my things and Dean stood up too. He turned to me as I was about to leave and grabbed my arm.

"This was actually kind of nice.." He said with a small smile. "Do you maybe want to do it again sometime?" 

I smiled back at him. "Yeah, I'd like that."

He pulled out a pen from his pocket and started writing something on my hand. "Here's my number. Call me." 

My smile grew wider as I pulled my hand away and left the diner.

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