Day 1

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hi  my name is y/n stark and this is my story.

 It was my first day at avenger compound when i saw him i got goosebombs, everytime he looked at me. they had mission to go get Tessaract back but i didin't get to go because i had to train so i desided to go run around the blocks  when i was running i got followed by this random guy he ended up assaulting me when he was finished he ran away. I ran back to the compound almost crying they where back from their mission.... Loki saw me i ran straight to my room locking the door behind me Loki  saw my move  and gave Tony heads up that i was crying and ran up to my room "y/n are you okay whats wrong" Tony asked "im fine.....did you get it " i said almost crying "no they moved the location of the Tessaract so we need you to locate it "Tony said "okay i will come soon "i said as wiped my tears away .....few minutes go by and i hear knock at my door "y/n? " Loki said "L-Loki is it you "i said panicking "can i come in "Loki said  "why me "i said crying , Loki unlocks the door "whats wrong are you okay who hurt you " Loki said conserned "no one "i said bawling rest of the avengers come to investigate the noises  and sees me in Lokis arms crying "whats going on did you loki hurt her " Tony said worried"NO I DID NOT i just got here "Loki said offended "everyone stop arguing IM FINE " i said  calmed down  "why are you crying then " Tony said confused "CAUSE I GOT ASSAULTED BY A RANDOM GUY " I said scream crying while Loki sgueezed me into a hug and i calmed down right away"what where and by who" Tony said angrily "I DONT KNOW I DID NOT SEE HIS FACE"i said screaming back   "shhh shhh it's okay "Loki said  while comforting me  our eyes lock in place and ..... *i suddenly wake up in a hospital bed *  what in the hell was that  i-it was only a dream but it felt so real w-where am i "baby thank god you're okay" Tony said in tears "why  are you crying and why am i here wheres everyone "i said starting to panic " you're in hospital cause you hit you're head while running you were gone for 6 hours " *nurse walks in the room* " hi you must be y/n you've been in a accident i believe while running im sorry to ask but are you in relationship" nurse asked " no i'm not i've never had an boyfriend" i said " i would like ask you're father to step out of the room"nurse said " no he can stay AAAAH" I suddenly scream in pain and my vitals start to go up and down and i pass out* nurses and doctors run in and out suddenly i flat line* "NO NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING AGAIN PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME "Tony says while crying " i have to ask you to leave now " nurse said  *rest of the avengers shows up* "TONY is y/n okay "steve says  while worried "i don't know they just escorted me out of the room" Tony said while holding the tears "shes been screaming Lokis name for some reason that i don't know " Tony said " Loki is in Asgard " Thor continues " hes in the cell for betraying father" Thor said  "meaby you should get him here  meaby it's gonna help her "Tony said " im gonna try convince father to let him come here " Thor said *nurses and doctors come out of the room * "Mr.stark you want to see her " nurse said " yes of course" Tony said while hurrying in to the room "d-dad " i said while gasping for air " im here baby im here" Tony said  "what happened "i said "you passed out and before that you screamed in pain ,after that flat lined but now you're here rest  now okay " Tony said " dad?" Steve says while suprised " yes y/n is my daugther " Tony said continues telling everything " her  mother died when she was born before i met pepper" Tony said " im sorry Tony i didin't know " Nat said " she was supposedly going to be a secret forever she does not see me as her father after how i've treated her"Tony said  *Loki enters the room * " so why am i here when should be in a cell instead" Loki said to Tony " she screamed you're name while she was unconscious and she is still clearly looking for you" Tony said while im slowly waking up "L-Loki is that you or do i see hallucinations " i said "loki stay here we go and get some of her stuff so stay here "Tony said "oh okay straight up leaving me with a girl i dont know "loki said "Loki if you want to earn you're freedom stay with y/n" Thor said " okay fine"Loki said *nurse walks in * "is mr.stark here" nurse said " no but you can tell me im family "Loki said "okay so y/n was r!ped and she started to bleed inside so she was losing lot of blood and if she wants children she can't get pregnant cause she would bleed out " nurse said " so can you say that one more time but in english"Loki said  " okay so she would be high risk if she gets pregnant and possibly die "nurse explained"oh ...." Loki said conserned  while i slowly wake up to see loki sad and worried"L-Loki are you okay" i asked "hm im okay one question how old are you " Loki asked "oh im 18 why " i asked confused  " have you ever wanted children?" Loki asked " oh yes i allways wanted one or two  why "I asked worried as i continued " i can't have children can i " i asked starting to cry " no im sorry you cant "Loki looked sad as he huged me and wiped my tears away " y/n you are strong woman you will see a solution to that one day "Loki said *Tony,Thor ,Nat and Steve gets back and sees you two hugging* "what is happening here "Tony asked " i quickly pull away from Loki and tell every one that i can't be a mother " baby im so sorry i know what you're going trough" Nat tells as she comes to hug me "brother i kept my end of the deal am i free now " Loki asked Thor while you pull away from Nat and say "FUCK YOU LOKI FUCK YOU " i screamed " what did you just say to me girl " Loki looks at me with anger " I FUCKING TOUGHT YOU WERE GOOD HUMAN BEING  " i screamed more" i fucking tought you would be a good human to be my friend BUT NO  GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE " i said in tears and in pain " wait what"Loki said confused" you heard me " i said pissed " thor get him out of here " Tony asked  " yes of course " Thor replied  while Loki storms out " i want to be alone " i said  "yes of course hun call when you want me to come back " Steve says " i will i love you guys " i said while holding tears 

*everyone leaves *  

*3 days later*

" hey love " Nat comes in with coffee "thank you  you are savior" i said " how are you after loki and all" Nat asked " im fine " i replied " i know what im fine means " nat says knowing im not fine at all *after drank my coffee nurse walks in * "morning y/n   how are you feeling ready to go home " nurse asked " YESSS i am ma'm " i replied " good cause it's you're lucky day you are  free to go home after you get your meds " nurse asked   *4 hours later Steve shows up * " hi kid ready to go " Steve asked " yes i'm lets go " i replied 

*we get back to avenger compound* 

"hi dad " i said  "Y/N  YOU'RE HOME " Tony comes to hug  *we hug and i see Loki entering the room* 

"what is he doing here" i whisper to Tony " hes back from Tessaract location comfirmation" Tony replied 

"Tony i got the location of the Tessaract" Loki said and left the room to go to the lab

 "okay roger that EVERYONE TO THE LAB  " Tony replied 

"you too kid you can be near me okay " Steve said   

"okey Steve i will " i replied blushing wihtout Steve noticing 

*goes to the lab next to steve * 

105 days: loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now