Chapter 3: Dream

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I gasp loudly, beads of sweat streak down my forehead. I clutch my chest. Looking at the baby in my hands I start to cry, a curl of hair comes in front of my face I brush it away, straining. It felt like hell moving. My scarf falls back a bit revealing some hair. I tighten my grip on my chest and try to sit up. I feel pangs of pain down my spine. I shiver slightly and move up the bed. My heart beats as fast as lightening and I can hear it drumming in my ear. I touch the very middle of my lower neck. I can't feel it. Now I start panicking. I wrap my finger round my wrist. Nothing. My heart beats faster and I become more and more desperate. I but two fingers under my nose and.......... I can't feel my breath. I look at the child and I try saying his name but it sounded muffled. Then I feel it. The most terrible pain, it felt like a thousand daggers pierced through every part of me. I look up and my eyesight was blurred.

I saw a blurry figure. A woman. She wore a green dress and headpiece and she had a bottle with her....of poison. She looked at me and curled her lips. Then she smirked. I hated the way she stood, her curled lips which formed into a smirk and the proud, smug look on her face. It all felt to familiar. She leaned closer and breathed into my ear something that sounded muffled but I felt my facial expressions change. I looked angry, full of hatred and disgust. I looked ready to kill her.

"I .... hatun, will marry your.... and will...." I  just glared at her. 

Then my head started spinning, I heard her laughing near me and I kept gasping deeply, the last thing I said was, 

''No, please don't...'' 

I took a deep breath in and... my head lolled to the side, suddenly I couldn't move. I was paralysed. I couldn't blink, couldn't make the smallest gesture, my heartbeat and breathing was so gentle, so shallow I myself couldn't feel it, my eyes were open as if I were dead. I felt a longing for someone. But I didn't know who. I wanted them to come and see the woman dressed in green. I couldn't talk. Then I heard crying, the baby in my lap was crying and I couldn't move to rock him, tell him to sleep and say everything's alright. A tear fell down my face silently. 

''Why is my baby crying, Artuk Bey?''  A voice said from outside. A voice like a lion's, fierce and loving. He certainly cared for his child. 

''Bilmiyorum, (I don't know) Bey'' The man supposedly called Artuk Bey said. 

"Then we need to find out." The man started walking toward the tent where his child and wife were.


I woke up crying and gasping for breath I hadn't had a dream like that for a long time. I had them for a while, they were short and everything was blurry, they stopped. But this was different it was vivid, more clear, everything was clear except the faces of everyone. I haven't had any dreams for 6 months now, they started when I came here. My hands were red and bleeding, the chain had been on ever since I've been here, my back ached. Albasti and that dog Ilbilge have kept me here for 2 years.  I sighed and flung my head back at the stone behind me

Who was he? What did he mean 'my baby'? If it was his baby why was I holding him? Questions bombarded my head. I thought to myself. I felt something for him and I just couldn't tell what it was. 

But that child.....he was different, he had black, silky, smooth hair. Like how mine used to be. I felt like I would see him one day. I felt a yearning for him. 

Then they walked into the room. I looked at them, fire burning in my eyes and I felt a terrible pain in my heart. 

''Hello, there.'' Albasti said his voice dangerously quiet and soft.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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