He begins to work on Hayes' room until it's perfect. He buys a bunk bed and takes out the bottom bunk, under the top bunk he puts together a desk where he places a desktop computer. He arranges bean bags in the middle and he mounts a tv on the wall with a new xbox one and a variety of games.

He channels all of his despair at losing the small family he loved so much all because his bitch of a grandmother couldn't stand to see anyone happy into making sure the rooms are ready and perfect for their arrival.

Weeks pass by with no sign of Nash or his siblings and spring approaches and with it the busy season for the farm. He's stopped going to the school, he comes to terms with the fact that Hayes and Sky will not return to the school.

But he will occasionally stop by Mrs. Kaplan's trailer to ask if she's heard from Nash at all, every time the answer is the same and every time Cameron's heart breaks a little bit more. The small part of him that still clung to hope that they would one day return slowly dies.

Cameron locks the rooms that he had spent so many months working on for Skylynn and Hayes. He stops looking through the pictures that had kept him going. He packs away all the clothes he had left that belong to Nash.

The reminders no longer give him hope that they'll return, they now just remind him of what he lost. It becomes unbearable, and Cameron forces himself to stop thinking about them. It's been 2 months since they've left and March is upon Cameron. The busy season for the farm is has arrived and he throws himself into making sure everything is running according to plan.

There's a knock on Cameron's office door.

"Come in." He says without letting his eyes leave his computer screen. The door opens and Bart pokes his head in.

"Cameron, a shipment tractor parts that we need is stuck in a warehouse about 3 towns over. If we don't get them today we won't be able to keep up with our schedule. We have at least 3 tractors that are down and need these parts to get fixed. " Bart explains and Cameron pinches the bridge of his nose.

"How big are the parts?" He asks as he saves his work and looks up at Bart.

"They aren't too big, could probably fit all of the boxes on your pick-up," Bart informs him, he already knows what Cameron intends to do.

"Text me the address, I'll head over there to get the boxes," Cameron tells him as he stands and gathers his things. He shuts down his computer and locks up his office, he doesn't intend to return to the office once he comes back with the parts.

He gets into his pick up truck, he still has his Range Rover, but he doesn't want to get it dirty so he bought a pick up for work related errands. He punches in the address that Bart gave him into his GPS it's an hour and a half drive which is aggravating but it could be worse.

Cameron listens to music as he drives to the warehouse. He gets out of his pick up and approaches the office of the warehouse.

There's a secretary sitting at the desk who looks up and smiles brightly at him when he clears his throat.

She smiles brightly at him. "Can I help you?"

"I was told one of my shipments was stuck here, we need the parts today so I'm here to pick up the boxes," he tells her.

"What's the name of the company?" She asks as she shifts her attention back to her computer.

"Dallas Farms," he tells her. Dallas Farms is a well known name

"I'll just need some ID before I can release the shipment to you," she tells him as she looks back at him. He takes out his wallet and hands her his ID, her eyes widen when she sees the name on the card. She hands it back to him. She writes down the location of the boxes and on the back her name and phone number.

She beams at him at him when she hands him the card. "Just go into the warehouse and show the card to one of the workers, they'll be able to help you locate your shipment."

He takes it from her and walks out to the warehouse. It's huge and it looks like there' hundreds of rows with boxes. He flips the card over and rolls his eyes when he sees that she wrote her name and number and a small heart. There's no way he's even near ready to date anyone. His heart still firmly belongs to Nash, even if he doesn't know where he is.

"Nash!" He hears someone yell out, and he curses his heart for reacting and beating faster at the sound of his boyfriends name, there's no way that it's his Nash but he still has a visceral reaction at the mere sound of his name. He still considers Nash his boyfriend, especially since they never broke up. At least whenever he allows himself to think about him.

He then hears an extremely familiar voice, it's very distinct with it's light North Carolina twang. Cameron grows nervous because the voice is getting closer and closer. And the closer it gets the more convinced Cameron is that it belongs to the boy that he loves so desperately.

"Just let me get these boxes and I'll help you move the big one," the voice says and the person is standing in the row next to Cameron. He's blocked by the boxes and Cameron quickly walks over a row and his jaw drops when he see's the familiar body with brown hair, it's longer now but Cameron knows it's him. Nash has his back facing Cameron and Cameron can't believe that it's here. The moment that he has been longing for, that he has been dreaming for, that he was been waiting for is finally here.

It is sheer serendipity that Cameron is here in this warehouse at the exact time and standing in the right place to recognize the sound of his boyfriends voice. That he's right there, inches away from Cameron. From the timing of Bart knocking on his door, to his decision to pack up his things prior to leaving. All of those moments happened at just the right time to lead Cameron there, with his arm stretched out, hands reaching to touch the shoulder of the boy that never left his dreams or his heart.

As soon as Cameron places a hand on Nash's shoulder he turns, startled to see who touched him without identifying himself. His heart drops and begins to beat faster when he sees Cameron's face. Cameron's eyes shine brightly with tears, it's Nash. He's finally found him, he found him when he stopped looking and Cameron can't deny the irony of the circumstances.

He doesn't hesitate, he pulls Nash in and presses his lips to Nash's. Cameron relaxes for the first time in months when he feels Nash move his lips against Cameron's in response.

He's finally at home.


The End.

JK. But we might be getting close.

More updates tomorrow! ;D Maybe tonight, you never know. I told myself I would update some of my other stories but my fingers just keep typing chapters for this story :D

Beautiful Soul - cash au -حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن