chapter 3: the bachelorette party

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hermione granger was just checking of a list for her wedding when she heard a nock on the door and went to open it when suddenly 2 pairs of hands appeared and pushed her into the front porch and took her somewhere through side-along apparition. 

she found herself in a snow-covered piece of land, which looked so oddly familiar, and   when she saw Ginny, Luna, Parvati, Padma and Cho as she turned around and saw three broomsticks, dervish and bangs, hog's head, Weasley's wizard wheezes, the shrieking shack and madam puddifoots tea shop and she suddenly knew where she was- at Hogsmeade.

"what are we supposed to be doing here, the day before my wedding!!!!"hermione demanded of them, "we are here for your bachelorette party, you daft dimbo " says Cho. 'oh!!!" replies hermione "c'mon lets go to three broomsticks and have some butterbeer, for old times' sake. says Ginny.

they had a lot of fun  drinking butterbeer, firewhiskey, mulled mead and red currant rum with rosmerta the barmaid then going to Weasley's wizard wheezes and buying drunk purchases. and then trying to sober themselves with gillywater.

 then they went to Weasley's wizard wheezes and were purchasing drunk things like amortentia, instant darkness Peruvian powder, before they got kicked out for wanting to keep one by the shelfs again using a banishing spell but instead used accio, which just created a ruckus, and then trying to sober themselves with gillywater. which didn't work so they ended up in some weird muggle street and had to flag a taxi, all because they apparated when they were drunk. 

when hermione finally got home ron said "hermione, I've been so worried, where have you been?????" and hermione just giggles very drunkedly and ron realizes that she is drunk and he tucks her into bed before giving her some water while he cooks bacon and eggs for her, which she eats and immediately goes to sleep. ron just looks at her with the most adorkable smile on his face.   

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