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BING! BING! BING!  The loud bell rings three times before I wake up.   Getting out of the little bed into the cold atmosphere gives me goosebumps all over.  I walk  to the small concrete sink,  and glance at my reflection in the mirror.  I have those little circular band aids all over my arms and neck from the many experimental shots I get hours a day.  in the cracked mirror sits a small crinkled picture of my parents.  I can almost see my father smiling at me and winking.  And I remember today is the day they disappeared.  Ever since that fateful day 2 years ago I've been here in this dreadful place.  This is where I was taken a day after my parents disappeared,  I didn't expect anything they just came to Anthea's house and took me away.  I always wonder what happened to Anthea she was my best friend and now I'm here.  I was always crying and depressed when I came here, then I met Ethan Crile.  He is so amazing and makes me feel better after any long day.  All they really do here is take tests and more tests, I'm on this constant medication that makes me not have any dreams.  So that I wont "hurt anyone", they think my parents vanishing was because of me.  

I walk out of the  tiny room into the white washed hallways with the seemingly hundreds of little doorways.  I hate waking up everyday to this sinister abode.  We have something called Sectors they are where are "kinds" are kept like in my Sector there are the "Dreamers."  All we know is our dreams tell/make the future or something like that. 

And we have to have these horribly disgusting big pills you chew on they make you have a dreamless night.  The bad part is the side affects, I'll wake up at about 3 am in the morning barfing.  But definitely  the worst part of it is when your mind makes you see things that aren't there.  Sometimes I think I see my parents then they evaporate into dust,  Or I'll have some other horrifying hallucination.  But its all my stupid imagination coming to life.  Oh and not to mention the day to day tests.  Ugh I don't understand why I'm here but the Lab Doctors  say its all for a good,  but we all know that its for their advantage, we are seriously just animals to experiment on.  And I know your all thinking,  Wow!  Why have none of these imbeciles run away from here. Trust me a lot have tried, the first one was named Henry he was in our sector.  When he tried to run away, they found him and killed him while making us watch!  "Let this all be a message to you"!  the head of all the sectors said in his gravelly rough voice Many more have tried thinking they can out smart the head master but they have all come to the same horrible fate as Henry did.  And there isn't only one "kind" of us  there are 3 more.  And they are...  

The Inflicting sector, what we know about them if they touch anyone, the person they touch will die within seconds of the contact they inflict.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

 The thoughts sector,  what we know about this sector :They can hear other people thoughts, sometimes some young  readers (that's what we call them) can not control all their power and all the thoughts slamming into their brain, this makes them release a wave of strange purple energy that knocks out everyone in a mile vicinity which is part of the reason we all have to consume those ghastly pills. 

The  Blazers sector,  They have one of the most powerful gifts and can knock out entire cities, fire shoots out of their mouths and hands (very terrifying). 

There that's all of them, I have never actually became friends any of the people from the other sectors.   My train of thought is interrupted. "EVERYONE TO THE MAIN HALL."  This is unexpected I think the only time we are ever called to the main room is when there is a runner or someone died.  I see some of the blazers in the hallway, I've never really made any other friends expect of course for Ethan.  He has been here since he was 9 years old, and is still here at 18 one year older than me.  Ethan grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly as we walk through the heavily guarded hall.  He knows I'm nervous, there might be a runner, a runner means someone that tries to run away, and a runner means another death that we have to witness.  "It teaches us a lesson" they always say, so that we don't try running away.  We walk into the humongous main hall and sit in one of the many dark red seats that are available,  sitting on his big dark blue stained chair in the middle of the room is the head master, he is in charge of all the districts.  None of us has ever seen his face because of the mask that rests over it, I'm actually happy that I haven't seen his face it probably looks as evil and scary as he is.  "TODAY WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THAT FOUR OF YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO BE SENT OUT INTO THE WORLD!"  The head master bellowed this, as everyone's face immediately shows alarm and dread of what was to come.

Yeah I've been putting off telling you this but every year on a random day they pick four people out of each of the four districts and completely brain wash them to become their own spy's.  And also yeah the head master told us this, I don't know why they would tell us this, maybe because they wanted us to always be worrying and scared.  If they wanted that then they definitely succeeded.  After the head master announces this, a day later 4 people out of each district will disappear.  

Later that evening, my mind is racked with worry "What if Ethan is taken, or if I am!"  I hear a slight knock on my door "come in"  I say softly not bothering to look up.  I hear my bed springs shift as a weight sits beside me.  I feel a hand rest on my shoulder,  "Hey Ariana its gonna be ok".  "We just have to hope and pray we wont get picked."  Ethan says this in his softest voice trying to reassure me everything's gonna be alright even though we both know its not.  

Ethan sits by my side until he thinks I've fallen asleep,  then In my half asleep state I hear him trying to be as quiet as possible as he tiptoes out.  He leaves me with a smile on my face as I drift off burying my many fears and worry's into the deepest part of my soul.  BING!  I open my eyes quickly and listen to the bell finish its loud ear piecing screams.  Finally when the sounds stop I lift my head out from under my pillow.  But then another loud crackling comes from the microphone.  IN EXACTLY 5 MINUTES YOU WILL BE EXCORTED TO THE MAIN HALL, FOR THE ANNOUNCMENT OF THE 4 CHOSEN INDIVIDUALS FROM EACH SECTOR.  A few minutes after this announcement two guards walk in to my cell,  they take me through the white halls all the way to the main hall.  They make me sit by all the Dreamers in a organized manner,  I can see Ethan looking at me from across the room and giving me an encouraging smile.

TODAY WE HAVE PICKED 4 INDIVIDUALS TO BE CHOSEN.  The head master boomed this in his rough salty voice,  THE 4 CHOSEN TODAY ARE...   FROM THE INFLICTING DISTRICT IS, SARAH LORD.  FROM THE BLAZERS DISTRICT,  IS  LIAM  SMITH.  FROM THE THOUGHTS DISTRICT IS, ARIANA YORK.  My mind went blank and I ignored the loud gravelly voice as a single tear rolled down my cheek, it all happened so fast.  8 guards in their flashing red and black suits swiftly out of nowhere took all four of us away before I could even blink twice.  We were all rushed through the halls I screamed for Ethan,  "Shut up! one of the guards reprimanded me in a stern unfeeling voice.  "Ethan!"  I kept screaming until I felt a quick prick in my arm and the world around me turned pitch black. 

 "WAKE UP!  A voice screamed in my ear I tried to jump up and felt a sharp pain go though my entire body  "UGHH!"  What was that I cried,  I examined two little wires around my wrist and ankles.  I pulled my fore arm up again and this time the strange shock was even worse "AHHH!"  I screamed again in frustration and pain,  I dare to look around me there was no strange electric shock.  I look around me at the white walls their sparkling color bright in my eyes,  "HELP!  HELPPP!"  Screaming in my loudest voice, after a few minutes it makes my throat hurt and I realize  no ones ever going to hear me.

Sorry guys kind of a short chapter.

          Have fun reading!

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