I walk over to her and sit beside her, just admiring her beauty.

"I missed you, Hannah".

"I missed you too, Mike". "So what happened at your court hearing?.

'Shit!, do I tell her everything?'. 'Or just that i'm getting out in a month?'.

"Well, actually!". "I have one month left to go, then i'm free".

Hannah's, face light's up in an instant. I've never seen a smile so bright and warm in my entire life before.

"Really!?". " You mean I finally get to see you outside of this place?". "To walk down the street with you, holding hands". "To finally be able to hug and kiss you".

I watch intently as her face goes beet read with her last admission that I am quite certain she did not mean to let slip. I look deep into her eyes and finally speak.

"I never thought when I ended up in here that I would ever get the opportunity to experience what this feels like, ever again". "Hannah, I can't wait to share all of those experiences with you,". "Especially the last one you admitted to".

I give her a devilish knowing grin that makes her blush even more.

"I just have to find a place to stay and look for a job". "Report to my parole officer daily, and some community service". "Easy peasy!".

"Mitchell!, it's almost time". "Say your goodbyes".

"Yes, Sir".

I turn around looking back at, Hannah and her smile instantly fades.

"I have to go, Sweetheart". "It won't be much longer, I promise". "I'll miss you every moment that im not with you".

I begin to see the tears well in, Hanna's eyes.

"Please don't cry, baby". "We will be together soon, I promise!".

"C-can I hug you?".

I look back at the warden pleadingly for him to let me, he nods a slight yes in my direction.

"Make it quick, Mitchell!".

"Yes, Sir!". "Thank you, Sir".

I turn back to, Hannah and pull her into my arm's hugging her tight as she hugs me back with equal intensity. We reluctantly part from each other embrace and I watch as she is escorted out the other door. I once again get cuffed and taken back to my reality.

"I got to hug her this time, man". "It felt like nothing I've ever felt before". "I'm still trying to process it all".

"Wow!". "That's awesome, Mike". "Did you guy's talk about the hearing?".

"Yeah, I told her I was getting out next month".

"And your encounter with, Ember?".

"I might of left that part out".

"Probably for the best!".

"I think i'm falling for her, hard, Brody". "What do I do, man?". "I've never been 'In love' before, have you?".

"Once!". "It's scary shit though, man". "But you just have to let it happen, otherwise you'll be alone and miserable the rest of your life".

"Maybe your right". "I'm just so nervous that it will all fall apart or get taken away from me again, Brody". "What if she doesn't like the real me once im outside these walls?".

"I know man, it's scary shit". "What about a place to live and the job your supposed to be getting, how's that coming along?".

"Well, I have a place secured". "I just need to find a job now". "Who's going to want to hire a convicted felon though?".

"Stripped From Reality" (Book 3) (MATURE CONTENT 18+)(TRIGGER WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now