Chapter 2- The Forgotten Memory

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He brought Xia Mingxiu back to the place that was once our home and pulled him into the bathroom under the dim yellow light. I stood outside, contemplating whether I should head in and watch a live performance.

Both of them were rare beauties so it wasn't such a big deal to lose a few years of my life to watch their performance.

A god must have known that I had separated this pair of lovers for ten years to satisfy my own selfish desire. This hidden god must be villainously smiling as he punishes me to watch the two of them live their sweet lives.

To a dead person, this was what they would consider as being unable to have a peaceful death.

Forget it. It's my karma.

After getting out of the bathroom, the two of them rolled on the sofa right before my eyes.

Nevermind this. I will watch since you're letting me see.

It was magnificent and enchanting as I had expected it to be.

I was shocked by how gently Luo Yuchen treated Xia Mingxiu. It was something that I didn't dare to expect. I had even wondered if there was any part of Luo Yuchen that was gentle. The scene before me clearly shoved the sour grapes[1] logic into my face. Evidently, Luo Yuchen was able to be very gentle. He could make gentle moves full of love and was able to say sweet words of love.

It was clear that he had only treated me with violence. He was practically relieving all of his resentment and dissatisfaction. He nipped and beat me; He tore and bit me. It was practically an improved version of "A Chinese Torture Chamber Story".

Looking at Xia Mingxiu now, I felt that I was very worthless again.

I was treated so badly. Why didn't I learn from my mistakes but instead insisted on taking this painful path?

I had pointlessly spent my life. It was utterly pointless.

The two of them had a warm and romantic time together until noon. Xia Mingxiu got up because he had to work in the afternoon. He broke free from Luo Yuchen's hold and took out some ingredients from the fridge. Then he started cooking.

Is this fellow stupid? Why did he make eight-treasure rice pudding?

Luo Yuchen doesn't like sweet food.

After spending ten years with him, I had a clear grasp of his likes and dislikes. I understood his preferences more than anyone else.

However, the reality proved me wrong again.

Luo Yuchen obediently received the bowl and spoon and happily ate with Xia Mingxiu.
Damn it, that's so unfair!

When I made it, he only ate one mouthful of it before throwing it away.

I had already started cooking when others were attending kindergarten. No matter what, my culinary skills should at least be better than the clumsy Xia Mingxiu who mistook sugar as salt!

Forget it! Perhaps, he would even drink poison if it was prepared by Xia Mingxiu...

I was angry. I paced around Luo Yuchen, wanting to give him a punch.

I couldn't hit him. Ugh, I'm already dead but I still felt indignant. I might just level up from an earthbound spirit to a vengeful spirit.

I should probably start reciting scriptures and quickly ascend to heaven to become buddha.

After Xia Mingxiu left, Luo Yuchen threw away the eight-tressure rice pudding and his spoon as I had expected. I felt gleeful. He didn't like sweet food after all. His taste couldn't possibly experience a complete change just for Xia Mingxiu.

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