'I can't believe what she's done. This is my fault.' Draco fell to the floor against the wall as he muffles words.

'We'll see her tomorrow Draco don't worry about it.' Blaise reassured him.

'Not as much as we used too. She's going to be a target if it gets out.' Theo blurted.

'Theo is right for once.' Draco spoke up.

'Come on mate let's sleep we have to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow and then Hogwarts.


The next day you woke up bright and early to go to Diagon Alley. You needed new school stuff for the 6th year. Your mind was distracted by going downstairs to a busy kitchen for breakfast with the Weasleys including Harry and Hermione. You smiled at the joyful and heart warming family. Your new family.

'Morning Y/N! Want some Pancakes?' Ron spoke up as he passed you a plate of two as you nod your head.

'Where's my Mother?' You asked curiously.

'She's gone to do some business with work.' Molly answered as you sat next to Ginny and Hermione.

Once you have all eaten you all got ready to floo to Diagon Alley. Harry got it right this time as you all ended outside of Oliveranders. Your smile dropped when you saw how dull and empty it was. Wanted posters were everywhere for Bellatrix and a few others. You all got your belongings for Hogwarts and You, Harry, Ron and Hermione went to have a look round but something caught Ron's eye.

' Y/N, Is it just me or does Draco, Mummy, Blaise and Theo look like people who don't want to be followed.' Ron whispered as you caught them going down Knockturn Alley.

'Well if you're smart enough you will follow them.' You muttered as you walked down the Alley as Harry, Ron and Hermione followed.

'Quick up here.' You said as you climbed to the roof of an old store.

'They've gone to Borgin and Burkes?' Hermione spoke out.

'Clearly not shopping for furniture.' Ron chuckled making Harry wheeze.

'Now is not the time to make jokes shut up and let me listen.' You scowled at them.

You could see that Draco, Narcissa, Theo, Blaise and a few other Death eaters were standing in Borgin and Burkes talking to the owner of the store. Theo was looking around and acting like a child till he looked out the window and gasped. You and the others quickly came down from the roof and heard the bell go off and a growl outside from Fenrir Greyback. You all quickly got back up to see the curtains were pulled down.

'What was all that about?' Ron questioned.

'I don't know but I don't like it.' Harry replied.

'Neither.' Hermione added. Soon enough the bell went off again meaning someone was outside. You all climbed off the roof and scurried around the building.

'I'm telling you I saw nothing I was mesmerised by the fancy glass window.' Theo sighed as he walked off with Draco and Blaise.

'Sure you didn't see a bird?' Blaise chuckled.

'Yeah, actually I saw Draco's bird.' Theo muttered as Harry gripped onto your arm from moving.

'You saw Y/N?' Draco spoke up.

'Yeah, I think?' Theo replied. You knew he knew he saw you. He's lying to keep you away or something.

'Come on Boys the train leaves in 35 minutes.' Narcissa shouted for the boys as the other Death eaters apparated away.


You, Harry Hermione and Ron went to find Mrs Weasley to get Ginny onto the train to Hogwarts. Ginny goes to sit in a compartment with some of her 5th-year friends while you follow Harry, Ron and Hermione into a separate compartment.

'I have a few ideas about Draco.' Harry started as he shut the door.

'What?" Ron asked.

'It was a ceremony, an initiation.' Harry claimed as you chuckled.

'What's funny Y/N?' Hermione asked.

'That wasn't a ceremony trust me.' You replied honestly.

'Well, you're close with them. Do you know?" Hermione asked.

'I won't lie to you guys but my Mother wants me to stay away from them.' You admitted.

'Well, I think he's one of them.' Harry spoke up.

'Stop it Harry I know where you're going with this.' Hermione scoffed.

'It happened he's one of them.' Harry muttered. Your facial expression changed when he said it.

'One of what?' Ron questioned cluelessly.

'Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is a Death eater.' Hermione explained to Ron.

'I'll be back guys.' You stated quickly as you got up from the compartment. You then walked to the Slytherin compartment to see Draco, Theo and Blaise all sitting together with Pansy of course.

'What's that supposed to mean?' Pansy questioned him.

'Best you move Pansy we have a special guest here.' Theo spoke up as you grabbed everyone's attention. Pansy then got up and left as you sat down next to Blaise.

'Hello, boys.' You broke the awkward silence.

'Is that what we get?' Theo replied.

'We sent you letters and came to your houses over summer you never replied or anything.' Blaise explained.

'Mother locked me in my room.' You sighed as it went silent again. It then went dark on the train as black smoked showed up out of nowhere. Draco got up quickly to see what happened but you grabbed his arm as he turned around looking at you as you let go. 

'Come on Draco it's probably first years.' You replied.

'It was you who we saw wasn't it?' Draco spoke up to you.

'What?' You questioned.

'On the roof near Borgin and Burkes. Theo saw you.' Draco mentioned.

'I- I just needed to see you.' You told a half-truth.

About an hour later of conversations the train came to a halt meaning you were at Hogwarts. You, Theo and Blaise got up to leave with other students but Draco was still behind.

'Coming mate?' Blaise asked.

'Yeah I just need to check something, Y/N stay.' Draco ordered. Draco then made sure all the curtains were pulled down as you stared at him quietly.

'You know Y/N I still love you even though I might seem cold towards you.' Draco whispered as he got close up to you as you hit your back on the door of the compartment. The tension was high. Before you could reply or do anything Draco pulled his wand out.

'Didn't mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop Potter? Petrificus Totalus!' Draco cast his spell towards the racks where luggage go. You were confused when he said Potter as you followed behind him. He pulled something off and to your surprise, it was Harry who was hiding under his invisibility cloak.

'Oh yeah, She was dead before you could wipe the drool off your chin.' Draco added as he kicked his nose in breaking it.

'Come on Draco let's go.' You whispered as you slowly grab his hand to pull him away.

'Sorry, Harry.' You whispered as you left.


Hi guys hoped you enjoy this long chapter!! If so don't forget to vote and comment. Again I'm sorry for leaving it late but I have been 

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