"There is still time to surrender," Miraz said as the two circled each other.

"Well feel free," Peter said and Miraz sighed.

"How many more must die for your throne, maybe the girl?" Miraz asked. He knew he struck a nerve when Peter pulled his mask out, lunging towards Miraz.

They both shouted as their swords clashed. Nick nearly couldn't watch as Mirazs shield clashed into Peters mask.

They fought brutally, swords clashing before Peter managed to hit him in the back, Miraz audibly groaning.

The crowd continued to cheer as it appeared that Peter was winning.

Edmund had a small proud smile on his face as he watched Peter but Nick looked on terrified, she normally could step in to help Peter but on this occasion she couldn't.

It felt so strange, watching a fight as she stood back helplessly. Even when he got in fights back in London, she always stepped in much to the shock of the people he was fighting with.

Miraz grunted as he pushed his shield into Peters face, knocking his mask off and brusing Peters face.

Nick looked on in panic as her boyfriend ducked, narrowly missing a sword as his chainmail fell of off his head.

Peter sliced Mirazs leg, making him angrily wince in pain before lunging towards Peter who jumped over Miraz, hitting his shoulder on the ground as he fell.

But they kept going on and Nick started to panic as Miraz knocked Peter to the ground.

She watched as Miraz pushed his foot over Peters shield. He put his foot on Peters arm, holding him to the ground as Peter groaned in pain, probably hurting his arm. Nick held in a scream as she started to rush over in an instinct like she would when he got in fights at school.

Edmund grabbed her arm, shaking his head as he looked at his brother with a worried expression.

Peter groaned as he lifted his sword up with his good arm before rolling away. Nick focused on the necklace that was tucked under his armour, knowing that he would get out of this alive, hoping that he would. Because she didn't know what she'd do if he didn't make it though this.

Peter got up, knocking Miraz to the floor. His face contorted in pain as he watched Miraz sitting on the floor groaning, ready to get up.

Peter could feel the pain course through his arm as he put on a brave face for the other Narnians and also so that Miraz didn't think he was becoming weak.

He watched as Susan and Caspian rode towards them, without Lucy.

"Does his highness need a respite?" Miraz asked as he saw Peter groan in pain, wincing with every movement of his arm.

"Five minutes?" he asked and Nick could see how it pained him to take a break from the battle but he need it.

"Three," Miraz said as he walked back to his seat.

Nick ran over to Peter as she helped him back. He limped over to Susan and Caspian, his sister hugging him before noticing him wince in pain.

"Lucy got through, with a little help," Susan explained as she saw the worried look on Peters face.

"You better get up there just in case, I don’t expect the Telmarines will keep their word," he said to Susan through gritted teeth, obviously in pain now.

Peter faked a smile as he looked at the crowd, teeth gritted as he held his sword up with his injured arm. The crowd cheered and Nick ushered Peter to his seat.

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