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The next day

Brayden's okay. I'm not. I have to go back to work anyway. I tried my best to cover my bruises with makeup. I'm not sure how well it worked, though. Jacob left for work before I even woke up so I'm gonna have to get Jo or someone to pick me up.

"Hey, Jo. Are you at work yet?" I ask over the phone.

"No. I'm about to leave the loft with Levi now. You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Is there any way you could come and pick me up? Jacob already left for work."

"Yeah, of course. Send me your address and we'll be there. Why didn't he bring you?"

"He had to have an early start at work so we just decided that I would call a friend or an uber."

"Oh, okay. I'll be there soon." Jo said, hanging up.

10 minutes later

There was a honk from outside. I grab Brayden and head out the door, then get in Jo's car, trying not to let her see my battered face... and arms... and stomach. She didn't see it, thank god. I'm in the backseat too so it might be hard for her to see.

"Hey, Amber." Jo greeted.

"Hey." I say

Levi turned around and held out his hand for me to shake, "I don't think we've met. I'm Levi Schmitt."

I smile and shake his hand, "I'm Amber. I'm not sure what Jo has told you about me, but I assume you know that I'm Alex's sister." That's when I realized my sleeve came up and there was a visible bruise on my arm. He definitely saw it.

"Are you okay?" He asked, seeing the bruise.

"Oh, yeah. When I was getting Brayden, my son, into bed last night I hit my arm on his changing table."

"Ouch. How old is your son?" Levi asked as Jo pulled out of the driveway.

"Almost one. His birthday is next week." I say, smiling.

"Aw... is he walking yet?" He asked.

"Not yet. I'm working on it though." I say, then fake laugh. I really don't want to talk about the son my abusive husband baby-trapped me with. Not that I don't love Brayden, I love him more than anything in this world. I'm just scared I'm gonna let something slip.

"Hey, Amber. You should come over for dinner tonight." Jo says.

Crap. How am I supposed to tell her that if I do my husband is going to beat the life out of me, again. I somewhat dodge her question, "Yeah. I'll try."

We finally arrive at the hospital and I see a couple of people I've never seen before walking into the hospital. Jo immediately runs out of the car and goes to greet the other doctors. Levi steps out of the car and says with surprise in his voice, "Dr. Robbins? What are you doing here?"

I step out of the car, not knowing what to say or do. I've heard of a Dr. Robbins before, and I've seen both of these doctors on FaceTime before, I just can't remember the other one's name.

"Oh my God! What are you guys doing here? You're supposed to be in New York!" Jo says excitedly.

"Well we heard about Meredith and Alex and we couldn't just stay in New York while all of this was happening. We wanted to come and help." The doctor I know as Dr. Robbins says, she then said quietly, "Who's that?" While pointing to me, who is just standing about 7 feet away awkwardly.

"Long story, actually. But the short version is, Amber Karev. Alex's baby sister." Jo informs.

"You're the infamous Amber Karev? Alex never shut up about you." The doctor with brown hair said.

I laugh awkwardly, "Yeah. I got matched here. I'm an intern."

"I'm Callie Torres, but you can call me Callie. I'm in ortho. I used to work here, but you probably know that." Callie told me with a smile.

Dr. Robbins then introduced herself with a very bright smile, "I'm Arizona Robbins, peds. I used to work here as well until I moved to New York."

"Nice to meet you guys. Alex has told me a lot about you two. If you two are Callie and Arizona... then this cutie must be Sofia." I say with a smile to the little girl standing between Callie and Arizona.

Sofia shyly nodded her head, "Hi."

I laugh and try to bend down to her level but fail due to the pain so I tried to blow it off and stand back up, "Your uncle Alex has told me a lot of great stuff about you."

Sofia smiled, and so did Callie and Arizona, "You'd be great in peds. Just sayin'." Arizona told me.

Everyone laughed but Jo noticed the little spell I had seconds before. She blew it off as nothing and we kept talking with Callie and Arizona.

6 hours later

Jo came up to me as I'm charting, "Hey, Arizona and Callie are coming over for dinner so now you have to come. No excuses."

This is exactly what I didn't want, "Uhm... yeah! Definitely, I'll call Jacob now." I say with a smile.

"Yay! I'll see you at six." Jo said with a huge smile on her face then walked away. I went off to a supply closet so that I could call Jacob.

I dialed his number and put it on speaker, "Hey, so I'm going to Jo's tonight for dinner. I probably won't be home until late."

"You're kidding, right?"


"You know I don't like you going to other people's houses without me there."

"It's just Jo's. It'll be okay. I'll be home after, okay?" I say sweetly so that maybe he won't get too mad.

"Yeah. You better be home by nine." Jacob threatened.

"I will. Love you." I said, painfully, then hung up. Then I heard something clatter behind a shelf, "Hello?"

Arizona stepped out from behind the stack, she had something in her hand, "Hey, I was just getting something but-"

"Yeah, it's fine. Did you hear that whole conversation?" I ask urgently.


"Don't say anything, okay? I don't need more conflict in my life." I tell her.

"But-" She argued.


"But Alex-" She argued again.

"Alex is in Kansas. He left. Alex isn't relevant anymore. So please, don't talk about anything you know nothing about." I say, then walk out, trying to prepare myself for this horrid dinner party that is now set in stone.

The Replacement Karev [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now