"Oh my dear! I'm g-glad to see your alright! Y-Your all I have left of my Freddie!" She cried as she pulled away gently

"I'm not going anywhere Mrs.Weasley f-Fred d-died for me b-but I'm going to l-live for him" I said as my breath hitched

We all sat there and talked, did a bit of crying when Arthur came. Bill, Charlie, Percy, and Fleur all came. Everything's been going wrong but we talked and decided we had to stay strong and together.

They let me out the hospital and we went back to Weasley manor together. They decided that everyone but Mr. and Mrs. Weasley we're going to stay the night. Charlie was the one who tried to lift everyone's spirits with Bill. I stood up and walked up the stairs as George helped me.

"You Can do it" George said as I nodded

I walked slowly, then into the room. I stared at them, I've never be happier to have Narcissa and Molly if it wasn't for them taking care of my babies...they looked so strong and health. They where all three months, triplets. Lilith's hair was growing, it looked ginger but lightly. I still couldn't believe how lucky I was to know Oliver's mum had ginger hair. Tomas's hair was growing to just like Mason's. Tomas's hair was dark almost black and Mason's was brown. I looked around the room, my chest felt heavier. Fred wasn't going to be able to come in here and kiss them goodnight like always. Three kisses for each of them like he always said. I held Lilith in my arms her eyes brown, her light ginger hair, I missed three months. I didn't miss there first words though, or there first crawl. I carried Tomas, I didn't even get to see his eyes which where brown. He was so precious, I put him down grabbing Mason. Mason's hair was light brown like mine, his eyes brown like mine but you could see a bit of Oliver in him. I cried as I held him, I wiped my tears. He began to laugh reaching out besides me. I turned but I didn't see anything, I smiled as I looked back at him kissing him. I lifted Tomas up and smothered in in kisses as his little baby giggle warmed my heart.

"My little tumtum, my flower, and my little muffin...daddy loves you babies..but n-now daddy's resting" I said holding in my tears

I held both Tomas and Mason as Lilith laid down kicking her little feet as she bit her toys for teething. My babies where precious and I was going to give them the life they deserve. My belly was getting bigger now, I was three months and a week pregnant.

"In mommas tummy is your other siblings...your brother and sister" I said smiling at them

I laid Tomas and Mason next to Lilith, I looked into there eyes as the laughed and giggled. I couldn't help but feel guilty for not being there. For being selfish and not taking care of the babies like Freddie wanted me to.

"I-I don't deserve you guys..my loves" I said as tears fell from my eyes

I stopped my crying, I had to stay strong. My babies needed me, I smiled as I held there toys playing with them.

"Oh you want the toy my m-"

I was cut off my screaming, I turned instantly. My eyes glowing bright yellow going completely protective over my babies. I placed my hand on the crib the babies where all in. I shut my eyes and mumbled a spell. It worked when I opened my eyes I saw the light blue shield forming then turning completely invisible. I wanted towards the door and put another spell on the room. I walked down the stairs with caution. It was Ginny's scream, I grew anxious and ran down.

"I-I did it sy...I found them" Oliver said bleeding terrible with a weak smile

He fell to the floor as I froze, Draco instantly helping Oliver healing him. Who was he talking about and why did Ginny scream?!

"SYDEN!" Ginny screamed in horror

I went running outside, my entire heart filled with poison and anger. The thirst for his blood on my hands, Nik was alive and tied up on the floor. Bleeding and hurt but nothing like me. Ginny crying as Ron held her protectively. The anger and hate George held against Nik was contagious.

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