Last Dance

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We where now standing in front of the doors that had small gold details on it, the doors then opened and eyes shifted our way. Everyone gasping im smiled while others turned back to there business. I turned to see Harry wearing a wizard tux, he looked handsome. Ron was wearing a tux that had the colors of burgundy and then his collared shirt was white. Hermione had in a pink silk dress that was fitted, Ginny wearing a red fitted long dress that was shoulder less. Then Fred, I saw Fred and he looked as handsome as ever. He had on a burgundy tux with a purple lavender collared shirt under, George had on the same type of tux but his was dark orange with a blue collared shirt under. Then I turned to see Oliver, he had a tux in too but it didn't have a tail. His tux was all black and his hair was done nicely but still showed his natural curls. That's when Pansy and Blaise walked over towards us with Crabbe and Goyal. Pansy was wearing a long emerald green dress that was sleeveless and shoulder less, it had small straps holding the dress and then a long split on her left leg as she wore black heels. Blaise was wearing a black Tux with a white vest only. Crabbe amd Goyal wearing a simple wizards tux that was a white collared shirt and everything else black.

"You look beautiful!" Pansy said smiling

"Thank you, you look ravishing yourself" I said smiling

Then everyone went quiet, everyone moved out of our way including Pansy and the others. It was like they wanted me to walk forward. Then I saw my father standing on the dance floor as soft violin music began to play. I smiled as tears fell down my face, my heart began to beat and pump faster. Draco began to walk me towards my father, I smiled and saw his smile. He had a black tux on with a bow and a white collared shirt along with a black vest and black trousers, black shining dressing shoes and the gold pocket watch he always has with him. Draco handed me to my father and placed a kiss on my forehead. We began to dance but more tears left my eyes, it was a bitter sweet feeling.

"You look lovely my love" my father said softly as he smiled

"You look amazing too dad...please don't...I don't want to say good-"

"Then don't my love, you'll never have to say goodbye...because I'll never leave you" Sirius said smiling

"I love you dad...I'm sorry I couldn't do this earlier" I said crying

"Your stubborn just like your father" Sirius said smiling as I laughed crying

We dance to the soft and emotional music, then my father stopped and bent down too look like he was in pain. My heart shattered to see this sight of him, I kneeled down and placed my hands on his cheeks.

"Dad!? What's wrong!?" I asked worried as I cried

"No worried my love it's just a stomach ache...Harry" Sirius called out as Harry came towards us

I kneeled up wiping my tears, Sirius placed a hand on both our shoulders gently. He then hugged us both as we began to cry, Dumbledore came text to us and nodded at my father.

" love, save me a last dance..I'll be back, Harry take care of Syden, I love I must go see an old friend" Sirius said smiling

I stopped crying to hear he was going to come back, Harry cried then wiped his tears. And just like that my father was out of my sight with Dumbledore, Harry took my hand and placed his hand on my mid back. I rested my head side ways on his shoulder as I cried, I could hear Harry's small cries.

"He's going to be alright...his old friend will great him and he'll be fine" Harry said as his voice cracked

"I know" I said softly as I cried

Harry then pulled back and ran off, it was like it was too much. I wanted to chase after him but after a few steps I stopped...he's going to be alright. I've always protected Harry but how can I do that when this pain is beating me down as well. I stood there in the dance floor alone, everyone watched in silent as the music played. That's when I felt someone's hand on my mine, I turned and saw Mason. He nodded at me telling me to stay strong, I knew that was the same face he gave me when he'd want me to beat something. I nodded and took a deep breath, I was glad that I had a spell that kept my makeup from getting ruined but then again I didn't care about anything right now. Everyone then got on the dance floor as I walked off of it, I sat down on a chair. Then I saw something 4 year hufflepuff boys had, it was a small bottle of fireball whiskey, it was a wizards alcoholic drink. It was made from the tears of a dragon and mended well enough to be drank by a wizard. I stood up and walked to the boys, they instantly grew in fear as they thought they where caught.

"Give! Me this! Don't you know your not aloud to drink, especially at school! You foolish boys, get out of here before I tell Professor snape!" I said whispering out loud as the boys ran off

I held the bottle, then I drank it...I knew how much of these I could drink and 3 was the max. It was a strong drink and I was very hard to get drunk due to my past...addiction. I put the bottle down and threw it in the trash can, I was tipsy but I could still very clearly walk and think. The alcohol just helped let me have a voice or numb the pain a bit.

"Let's dance! Come on!" I said pulling someone with me


It was a bit of a short chapter but next one!

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