chapter 10

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J- ight I'm done 

i looked up at him bc my short ass needed to.

jazz- you have no right to look like dat

he chuckle at what i said.

J- thank you hemosa (aka beautiful)

i started smiling even tho i didnt know shit he was saying , i got up and headed for the door he followed me. we walked out sided he was holding my hand.

jazz- *smiling my ass off* jay?

he looks down at me and smiles.

J- yeah what?

my moody ass getting mad bc who told him to smile at me like dat and look at me like im small. bitch but you are small i thought in my head.

jazz- why df are you looking at me like im a bean

jay stopped walking and so did i crossing my arms.

j- what are you talking about now?

pause real quick when he mean now, he mean we they were best friends she always used to do what she id doing now, okay back to the story.

jazz- nvm 

after i said that i started walking again.

jazz- *thinks* why do i keep on doing that.

Jabez caught up to me and he grabbed my hand to stop me from walking.

J- look at me * in a demanding tone*

i looked at him bc not gonna lie he sounded sexy.

jazz- wh-

before i could finish what i was saying his lips crashed on to mine and LEMME TELL you if felt so good, he bit my lower lip and i gasp he took that to slide his tongue inside my mouth tasting every inch of my mouth, soon we were running out of air so i broke the kiss softly tho. 

jazz-* Breathing heavily* what was that for?

jay- *also breathing heavily* bc i needed to shut you up

*in my brain* bitch

jazz- oh shit we gonna be late because of you

jay- says the one who kissed back 

jazz- *blushes* shut up

                                                                  (at school)

jay and i walked up to the school, after we got on school property we both went our separate ways. 


i called for sam, Verenna, Devyn but it seemed like someone else was occupying them, i walked over to the to see this girl she was really pretty.

same- oh heyy jazz

they all looked over to me.

jazz- heyyyy umm...who is she?

v- oh this is Avani gregg

jazz- hi 

Avani- hello your friends told me alot about you

jazz- oh they did

it started getting awkward me over here smiling awkwardly like a creep. after what felt like an hour of staring at each other the bell rang.

jazz- looks like we gotta go to school byee guysssss *thinks the bell*

                                                       (in class, okay who wants to hear ppl walking to class right no one)

 i toke my seat next to jabez.

jay- whats wrong?

i looked at him taking out my books for class.

jazz- nothing

jay- if it was nothing you wouldn't be biting your lip like that

i stopped biting my lip shit i forgot i do that when theirs something wrong.

jazz- well its this girl is she new here?

jay- whats her name?

jazz A- 

right before i was about to say it the teacher started talking.

teacher- CLASS!

everybody looked at the tearcher.

teacher- today we have a new student. you can come in now.

the girl walked in.

teacher- this is Avani class she transfer here.

i looked her up and down, i couldnt put my finger on it but something bad was coming my way bc of her.

teacher- take you seat next to jabez.

 raise my hand.

jazz- i sit next to jabez.

teacher- go back to your rightful seat Miss Diaz

shit i thought she wouldn't have noticed i moved my seat. 

teacher- unless you wanted to be sent to detention?

i stood up and jabez looked at me with a dont do it face.

jazz- fine its better then sitting here listening to your old ass teach like you know everything in the f****** world.

 she was shocked by my choice of words and everybody in the class started laughing. jabez put put his head on the desk and started laughing.


jazz- okay, saggy titties no nipple headass.

and with that i walked out into the principal office and got myself in trouble. after like 20 min of talking the principal suspended me from school for talking like that to a teacher and I'm probably going to be grounded when I get home.

                                                                       (after school)

 i was walking home when i hand grabbed me i was about to scream. 

jay- its just me

he turned me to face him with his hands around my waist.

jay- why would you say that?

jazz- cuz it was true

jay- now your  suspended right?

i nodded bc he knows me so well, he kissed me on the cheek i smiled.

jazz- anyways- 

jazz- why does she get to sit next to you, like of all the people in the class you!

jay- calm down 

he pats  my head .

jazz-  im going home see you later 

we said our good byes and he left i walked home. 

as soon as i got home i opened the door to see my parents with a belt.

hehe im I'm in danger....

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