The coach tossed a set to Sakusa. Seeing the ball up in the air , Sakusa moved a few steps back before approaching the ball and jumped, when sakusa's feet left the ground, he spiked the ball in a perfect curve with all his might, the sound of sakusa's hand spiking the ball echoed in the gym, everyone whipped their heads to Sakusa's direction their eyes filled with amusement at the little boy's spike and some jaw dropped. As for Komori he was also stunned at his cousin's skill but that didn't stop him from receiving the ball perfectly..

"Woah! Kiyo that was an awesome spike! That left a sting in my arms, I mean look there's literally a big red circle marked by the ball in both my arms!"

Komori happily complemented his cousin, the others seemed to complement Sakusa too. Sakusa was flustered with embarrassment since all the attention was on him but brushed it off when the coach announced some news to them.

"You two got some mad skills, Komori that was a perfect receive and Sakusa I've never seen  a ball spiked in such a wonderful curved! Would you both want to join the club?"

Komori and Sakusa was shocked with the coach's offer and happily agreed, Komori jumped in excitement while Sakusa just smiled.

"Great welcome to the team then, you two will start practicing with the team tomorrow so be prepared"

They both nodded as a response and bowed to excuse them self's since they needed to go home. On their way back Komori wouldn't stop ranting about how excited he was and how he was ready to be a part of the volleyball team, sakusa just hummed to everything Komori said, a few minutes later they bid each other goodbyes and separated ways.When Sakusa got home, he wanted to tell his parents the news about the volleyball club,at their door he was greeted by his parents, his mother Sakusa Izumi , is cooking dinner while his father Sakusa Kyoto was watching TV.

"Kiyoomi darling, how was school?"

His mother greeted with an ensuring smile. Sakusa's face frowned as he remembered those group or kids who picked on him earlier this morning, his mother saw her son's frown and was worried.

"What's wrong dear?"

Kiyoomi shakes his head and looks at his mother, telling her it was nothing, she nodded and told him to put his things in his room first, simply he agreed and went to his room upstairs and decided to tell his parents the news later. Placing his school bag beside his bed, he went to take a shower before eating dinner. A few minutes later , his mother called him for dinner, after changing he immediately went downstairs. He sat down in between his mother and father and started to tell them the news before eating his food.

"Uhmm, mom, dad?"

His mother smiled at him and nodded while his father looked at him, nodding aswell, silently telling Kiyoomi to continue, he glanced at both of them before eyeing his attention at the table, he sighed and told them about him being part of the volleyball club and that his practice with the team will start tomorrow. He glanced back at his parents to see their reaction, Mrs. sakusa looks happy for her son but Mr. Sakusa seems to oppose his wife's reaction.

"Sweetie that's grea-"

His mother was cut off by his father who slammed the table with his hands. Glaring at Sakusa furiously.

"Are you fucking serious right now Kiyoomi?!"

"W-what do you mean, dad?"

Range and anger can be seen in Mr. Sakusa's eyes, he was boiling mad. Kiyoomi and his mother was terrified at his father's state,he was trembling with fear as Mr. Sakusa gave Kiyoomi a glare, Bluntly telling Kiyoomi sentences that hurts him.

"You decided to join a volleyball Club? With your so called  Phobia? You don't even want us touching you because you "hate" Germs but you decided to play a sport where you'll be sweaty and touching a ball who no one knows been touching it? Are your for real?! I can't believe I have a hopeless child like you!"

"I-Im s-sorry"

Was what all he can say before he ran to his room with tears streaming down his eyes, his mother felt sorry for Kiyoomi and shot a glare to Mr. Sakusa before going after her son, her husband just rolled his eyes and continued eating. Kiyoomi felt ashamed of himself, he closed the door behind him and tucked himself in his bed with his blanket and hugged his pillow as he continued to sob. 'He's right, what is wrong with me?! I'm a germaphobe but I decided to play a sport? That's so stupid of me!' Kiyoomi continued to mentally scold himself for doing something that was against his Phobia. After a few minutes, he calmed down a bit, hearing the door creak open, he whipped his head to the door and saw his mother with a worried look on her face, she slowly approached Kiyoomi's bed, Kiyoomi sniffed and looked at the moon through his window. Mrs. Sakusa was heart broken at the sight of her son, she sat near him on his bed and comforted him.

"I'm sorry for what your father said earlier, he didn't mean any of those okay? He has been stressed from work lately so I hope you understand him..."

Kiyoomi just hummed at his mother as he continued to sniff and hiccup. Silence filled the bedroom, but soon broke when Mrs. Sakusa decided to say something.

"I'm glad you joined a club, you'll soon have friends besides Komori to hang out with"

Mrs. Sakusa told Kiyoomi with an assuring smile, Kiyoomi couldn't help but smile back at his mother and hugged her tightly, Mrs. Sakusa slightly flinched a little surprised at her son's action but soon gave back the favor of hugging him tight.

"I love you mom"
Mrs. Sakusa chuckled and responded in a soft voice.

"I love you too sweetie"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry for the mistakes btw, I'm still working on the next chapter, please leave any of your opinions or criticism in the comments it'll help me a lot thanks guys!

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