Ch.10 - A Kickstart

Start from the beginning

"He's correct, our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the world. In the past everyone obsessed over the Olympic games but then quirks started appearing. Now the Olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. Now everyone who cares about competition, there's only 1 tournament that matters. UA sports festival." Aizawa-sensei confirmed, weird, Senshi loved the Olympics. 

"That's right, and everywhere top heroes will be watching, this is where you get scouted." Momo said, then most people began to talk about their enthusiasm for such event; such as seeing it on TV. That wasn't exactly Aizawa-sensei's plan however, and he quickly shushed the class.

"This means you better not slack off on your training." Aizawa-sensei warned

 "Yes sir." Everyone responded, some already making plans for training.

"Class is dismissed." Aizawa said whilst walking out.

There were two weeks until the sports festival, that should be more than enough time. Yet for Senshi, she didn't really have much time; and someone was going to do something about that.

"You, me, train." Bakugo ordered, okay, but why demand?

"Umm sure." Senshi agreed uncertainly. Bakugo sighed impatiently, obviously wanting more of an enthusiastic reaction.

"After school, seeing as your dumbass can't make plans." Bakugo said, but Senshi decided to object.

"I can't."

"Why?" Bakugo wasn't about to change his whole life just for one girl. Little did he know, that would soon become a thought of the past.

"Because, I have clubs." Something Senshi was still oblivious to was the fact that Bakugo knew of her clubs, and  the boy in question wasn't going to say anything about it.

"Then when can you train?" Bakugo huffed, accentuating the 'can'. It took Senshi a moment to think, and to be honest, someone needs to teach this girl how to keep her mouth shut.

"Before school."

Very stupid Senshi, very, very stupid.

"Okay then, don't be late." Bakugo agreed, walking off. It might have helped if he actually told the girl where they were going to meet up, but hey! At least Senshi socialised.


As the school day ended, and all Senshi desired to do was to go someplace other than school, a commotion began to form. It began the moment the final bell rung, and as most students would be despereate to leave, they flocked at class 1A's door.

 "Why the heck are you all here?!" Uraraka spazzed, all of class 1A's heads turning to the doorway. Great, everyone was watching them now.

"Do you students have some business with our class?" Iida asked, and Senshi had the exact same question in mind, why were they here?

"So this is class 1A, I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like and ass." A purple headed boy said, pushing to the front of the crowd. Bakugo growled slightly at his accusation, especially seeing as the ash blond was stood face to face with the purple haired boy. "Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or is it just you?" The boy asked again. 

"I see, how sad to come here just to find a bunch of egomaniacs. I wanted to be in the hero course but like may others here, I was forced to choose a different track, such as life. I didn't cut it the first time around-" Senshi chose to ignore his monologue, internal insecurities were something she had, but preferred not to listen to. "Consider this a declaration of war." he finished, Bakugo walking out, pushing his way through.

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