Chapter One

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Lindsay's POV

"Another day, another game." I sighed as I pulled her shirt over my head.

I love my job, I really do. This is just one game that I really wish I could have been attending. The Jets are my second favourite team (behind the Vancouver Canucks), and I wish I could have gone to every game. But the Jets wasn't the reason I wanted to be at tonight's game. It was their opponent.

The Jets were playing the Carolina Hurricanes tonight.

Now, I'm not really a Canes fan, but two seasons ago, they drafted the cutest, most attractive boy I've ever seen seventh overall. He was my dream guy. Innocent, a perfect smile, the cutest dimples, shaggy brown hair, and the warmest, softest, kindest, chocolate brown eyes I had ever seen.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not a puck bunny. I'm not just out there for the hot guys, but it's hard not to look. I mean, the NHL has a lot of attractive players.

I bounce up the stairs of my home and into my kitchen. It's going to be a long night, so I make sure to grab a few snacks before I get ready to head out the door. I pull on a jacket, kiss my Dad on the cheek, give my Mom a hug and leave. I climb into my car and try to turn it on. It's old, and it barely starts, but it's better than nothing. I plug my iPhone into the stereo and crank up One Direction. They're one of my favourite bands, I can't help it. I sing along as I drive.


There is absolutely no street parking in Downtown Winnipeg, so I park in a nearby parkade. Costs me almost an hours pay, but it's really my only option.

I get to work, place my things in our storage area and head upstairs for the pre-game meeting. I meet up with my co-workers Justin and Alex. I work in the same booth as them. Once the pre-game meeting ended, we all had to go off and prepare our booth for the pre-game rush. 

The game went as scheduled, Winnipeg actually ended up winning 5-3. With the win, fans were feeling extra generous and wanted to spend more. I had a customer ask for a hat, which we had no more of at the booth, so I had to run downstairs to get more. I believe in quick customer service, so I literally ran downstairs. I took the elevator down, thinking it would be faster. It wasn't. It took a couple minutes for the elevator to arrive.

The elevator stopped on the basement floor and I dashed out of the elevator. I turned a blind corner.


I ran right into someone and fell on my butt. I brush off my hands as say,

"Oh my gosh, I'm so-"  and then I looked up.

I ran right into Jeff Skinner.

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