
A loud bang resonated through Watery Lane, Charlie grabbing her gun as she ran out the house with Finn and Tommy. "Came from Arthur's" Finn says and Tommy starts banging on his door, Linda opening it with an eye roll as the three siblings barge into the house, in the direction, she'd pointed.

"He shot the bullet." Linda tells them.

"Arthur," Charlie says placing her hand on his raised arm, pushing his gun down. "You're alright. It's alright." Charlotte assures pulling her oldest brother in for a hug, "Arthur, can't go round fucking shooting for the hell of it. Scared us brother." Charlie whispers feeling his arms embrace her and his head on her shoulder, "I'm alright." He tells her, "you sure?" Charlie asks and he nods pulling away. "Not more firing random bullets" she says kissing his cheek, tapping his shoulder and leaving out the side alleyway. Where Finn was covering, "hello" she greets hugging him, "I've missed you, feels like we haven't talked in ages." Charlotte murmurs. "I know ChaCha, but you got kids and a husband, I understand." Finn replies, "I should still make time for family Finn, it isn't an excuse. I'm kind of glad we've all come back, it's like old times. None of us in a big fancy houses hours away, instead one house away, close family again." Charlie says, "is that how it's gonna stay? Even when this is all over?" Finn asks, "I'll do my best. Now come on, I left Diego and Isaiah with the kids which is never a good idea, last time I did that they were playing catch with Nathan." Charlotte says, wrapping an arm round Finn as they walked back into their house. "Finns in charge," she calls out to the people in the house making them laugh, "what's funny?" She questions the three women, "thought you just said Finn was in charge." Polly laughs, "I did. Arthur's got the day off." Charlotte replies, "surely that makes you next?" Lizzie asks, "normally yes, but I'm taking my 4 children out." Charlie says rolling her eyes, "honey we're ready" Diego calls out, "there they are." Charlie says, "where are you going?" Finn asks, "taking Doug and Nate to Charlie's yard to see some horses, you'll be alright," Charlie smiles walking out the house.


"Charlie calm down, we know how to take care of a child, i have one and Lizzie, well she'd good with Karl, and nothing will happen, theres men stationed at every entrance to the house and like 5 in the house, your kids are safe" Ada assures her sister, who nods, they'd been having this debate for the past 20 minutes, Charlotte had to go down to the yard so Ada and Lizzie were offering to babysit, "Mumma loves you, and she will be home soon, stay safe" Charlie tells her twins kissing their foreheads, and reluctantly left the house, both guns at her side, with Scudboat and a random peaky.


"There are two ways into artillery square, one here on the towpath, and here navigation street. Finn, take a rifle. You'll be here Finn, covering the towpath. Most like they'll come down navigation street. Johnny, Isaiah and Harrison will be set up here as hawkers selling salted pork. When you get the signal from me, they can open fire." Tommy informs, pointing at a map, "from you, eh?" Arthur questions, "you still know what end the bullets come out of, Tom?" Johnny teases, "Diego i want you stationed on this roof here" Tommy says and he nods taking a rifle. "You're going to hate this" he then says to his sister, "what?" Charlotte asks bluntly, "i need you here," Tommy says pointing to an outside corridor opposite where Arthur was to be, "you're pretending to be homeless, so you just sort of sit there, don't worry we'll get you a blanket" Tommy smirks, "Now these men are coming for my brother, we're leaving him unarmed and unprotected. Lets go" Tommy says and Charlotte gets her gun, making sure her barrel was clean and it was fully loaded.

Leaning her head against the bricks, she kept her eyes on Mrs Ross' door, hand already on the trigger beneath the blanket. Why couldn't one of the boys been forced to pretend to be homeless? Tommy said because the wife is more likely to be kicked out than the husband, same as daughters to sons.

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