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Jason chuckled, covering his cheeky smile with his hand as one of his new friends complained. Lucky Bat whined with a jitter of a laugh, causing the other five uglies and Nolan to laugh loudly. They were walking through the streets of Imperfection. More specifically, they were walking along the promenade, which was slightly elevated from the docks that held the night-races in Uglyville.

At first, Jason was kind of upset that they thought he was this 'Lou' person. But after a little talk, they apologised for assuming and began treating him like a friend that they've known forever. Especially Moxy. She acted like Jason was the best thing to happen to her.

It was weird.

It was too weird.

It felt off.

Jason didn't say anything about it though. He didn't want to act in a way that the uglies don't like. They all seem so angry about his disgusted reactions. It's like they think he's wrong about his own opinions. Well, excuse him, but it's not his fault they're not perfect enough for his liking.

Is it?

No! Of course not. Why would it be my fault? I just got here.

But I know nothing about how my actions can affect them.

Yet, above all of the ugliness, there was that interaction with that blond doll. He seemed nice. But Jason couldn't fathom why he was cleaning a sidewalk when it would just get dirty again.

The poor doll looked exhausted.

Maybe one day I can help him with his job.

That would be nice.

It would be good for my reputation too.

Reputation. Damn, why did Jason have to bring that up! Stupid, stupid!

Now's not the best time to think about how to pass. I just got here.

He sighed contently, thinking back to the doll. Now that Jason could concentrate on it, the other doll looked like a right state. His hair was ruffled, it looked like it was stiff. When Jason locked eyes with the mystery doll, he could see the tiredness in the sunken blue iris's. It hurt to know he probably couldn't have helped him.

Maybe I could've helped?

Oh doll, was that a test?

Was I supposed to take the job rather than start talking to Nolan's friends?

Oh no.

Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Jason audibly gulped, causing the orange ugly - Wage - to speak in his direction.

"You alright there, Jay? You seem kinda stiff." At the mention of the shortened name, Jason turned to look at the baker doll.



What a disgusting version of my name.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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