part 1

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"y/n, wake up you're going to be late for school."
i heard my mom say to me from outside my door.

i let out a moan that scared me when i pulled myself out of bed.

"didn't know i could do that" i laughed to myself thinking about how hilarious i am.

i left my room and greeted my mom.

"morning mother" i told her as i watched her grab her car keys.

"good morning, i have to go work now but ill see you later tonight sweetie" she looked up at me and waved goodbye.

ever since dad left, my mom has been overworking herself . although my dad still financially supports us quite a bit, my mom refuses to be maintained solely by him. she didn't need a man to pay her bills.

i knew she did it all for me so that i could live a good life, but i always wished she would spend more time with me instead. i brushed past the thought thinking that i was just being selfish .

"okay bye mom, have a good day at work" i walked into my bathroom as my mom left the house in a hurry.

i was very nervous today because it would be my first day at at the prestigious UA high school. it was my first time ever attending a school like that.

my last school wasn't the worst nor was it the best. i was quite popular because of my quirk but i never let it get to my head too much.

my quirk is basically telekinesis. i can move anything with my mind. i got this power from my dad so it wasn't really something i liked showing off or was proud of.

on the other hand, my moms quirk was something i always admired. she has the ability to create/control fire. she looked so beautiful when she used her quirk, she would let off this red hue that made her look like a bad bitch.

but unfortunately, i was not blessed with her quirk.

even thought i knew i would do fine, i couldn't help but shake as a looked at myself in the mirror for the tenth time this morning.

"you got this y/n you look hot today and nobody can fuck that up for you" you said as you saw yourself in your school uniform

i took a deep breath and began walking to school.

UA wasn't very far from your house so you didn't mind walking there everyday.

as you walked down your street you saw someone about your age get out of their house. when you looked closer you saw that he had a UA uniform on as well.

you began to feel awkward so you started to walk faster, hoping you wouldn't bump into him.

you passed his house as he was locking his door. he looked angry for some reason.

you began walking normally once you passed his house but you quickly felt his presence a few feet behind you.

you could hear his footsteps becoming faster and suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder trying to push you back.

"MOVE IT EXTRA" he yelled.

but you were not about to deal with his little tantrum.

you slammed his hand away from your shoulder and you did not budge.

"excuse me?" i said looking at his red eyes.


you laughed at his reaction and the way he walked away from you with his hands in his pockets while he moved like he had shit between his legs.

he looked back at you quite aggressively and you just stood there trying to hold in your laugh.

"what the fuck are you laughing at."

"looks like someones on their period" i laughed out and caught up to him leaving him behind.


time skip

you were now at the front of your new school in awe. you had never attended a school this big.

"woah" you whispered in awe.

you were looking at all the students when you saw a girl that has just saved a boy from falling face first with her quirk. i walked up to them, they seemed nice.

"nice catch girl" i laughed as she released her quirk letting him hit the ground.

"haha thank you, my name ochaco uraraka. whats your name?" she said with a bright smile on her face.

"you're welcome, my names y/n" you smiled back and turned your head to the side to see the green haired kid slowly stand up.

"what about you?" you looked at him and slightly smiled to seem friendly.

"um..uh- uh.. w-what?" he nervously said, i could tell he was super embarrassed from the previous events.

"whats your name? and you dont have to be so embarrassed i dont think anyone else saw." you assured him. uraraka looked at him intensely, i could tell she also wanted to know his name.

"get the fuck out of my way deku"

i recognized that voice. i turned around. it was him.

the blonde guy pushed him out of the way and intensely glanced at me making me freeze, before he left.

"oh so your name is deku?! nice to meet you." uraraka said like nothing happened.

deku stood up straight again and scratched his neck.



the bell rang for us to go to our first class.

a/n- thank you for reading 'daddy issues' i haven't written fan fiction in like 2 years so please bear with me.

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