Chapter 3

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It was late, like really late. Kurapika hadn't gotten a wink of sleep, and was shamefully feeling sea sick. 

Kurapika never had a problem with motion sickness, and he had been on some wild rides before. For some reason the swaying of the ship was getting to Kurapika, and with every passing moment it got worse. 

He looked over to his roommate's bed, where Leorio slept soundly. Kurapika closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I am not going to throw up..." Kurapika whispered, in some desperate attempt to manifest it. But the attempt failed, as he rushed to the bathroom. 

He made it just in time before throwing up chunks of the salmon he had eaten for dinner. He groaned, and weakly flushed the toilet. But it wasn't over, he felt his stomach acid build up once again as he ducked his head into the toilet bowl.

 He felt someone pull his hair back, and immediately knew that he had woken up his roommate. "Your hair's gotten so long." Leorio groaned, still half asleep. Kurapika threw up once again, before turning his head to look at him. 

"You can go back to sleep, I'll try to be quiet." Kurapika whispered weakly. Leorio shook his head, "You might piss me off, but I'm not that evil." Leorio responded. Kurapika turned back around to face the toilet bowl, and weakly rested his chin on the seat. 

Leorio twirled Kurapikas hair, and then tucked it into the back of his shirt. "I'll be right back." he said, before retreating to his bed. 

He came back with his briefcase, and kneeled next to Kurapika. "You gotta puke right now?" Leorio asked. Kurapika shook his head, his chin still resting on the ceramic seat. Leorio took Kurapika's shoulders and leaned him back against the wall. 

Kurapika watched Leorio rustle through his supplies, and pull out a small plastic bottle. He shook out two blue pills, and held them in his palm. He grabbed the water bottle next to him and handed it to Kurapika. 

Kurapika tried to hold it, but Leorio could see how weak Kurapika's condition was, so he took it back from him. "Open your mouth." Leorio said. "Are you going to poison me?" Kurapika croaked. Leorio chuckled, "How'd you know?" he asked as Kurapika dropped his jaw. 

Leorio plopped the two pills on Kurapika's tongue, and held the water bottle up to his lips. "Drink and swallow." he ordered. Kurapika obliged, and swallowed the two pills. 

Kurapika watched Leorio put away his things, and fasten the lid on the water bottle. Leorio noticed Kurapika's eyes, and met his gaze. "What?" he asked. "Do I look tired?" Kurapika asked. Leorio shrugged and returned to organizing his briefcase, "You looked like that before. You didn't tell me you had insomnia." Leorio said casually. Kurapika's eyes widened, "You're right I didn't..." Kurapika muttered. Leorio looked up and raised an eyebrow at him, "You forget I'm a doctor now." 

Leorio sat against the wall next to Kurapika, "We have to wait a bit until those pills sink in, I can give you sleeping medication in the meantime." Leorio offered. "Maybe." Kurapika muttered, obviously exhausted. 

"Are you on this ship as a doctor?" Kurapika asked, turning his head slightly to look at him. Leorio met his gaze and nodded, "You?" 

"The last of my clan's eyes are on the island we're heading too. They let me come as long as I provided them the information they needed." Kurapika said. Leorio made an 'o' shape with his lips, and pushed up his glasses. 

"So that's what you've been up to, huh?" Leorio muttered. Kurapika nodded, "Yeah. Can I have some of that sleeping medication?" Kurapika asked. Leorio nodded and reached for his briefcase. 

"Say. What's your plan after you finally avenge your clan?" Leorio asked subtly, taking out a bottle of insomnia tablets. Kurapika remained silent, staring at the wall ahead. "Hm?" "I'm tired Leorio." Kurapika snapped, clearly not wanting to answer Leorio's question. Or maybe he just didn't have an answer. "Yeah I know." Leorio whispered, shaking a pill into his hand. 

"Open." he said, as Kurapika stuck his tongue out. Leorio put the water bottle up to Kurapikas lips once again, and Kurapika swallowed it down. 

Leorio could tell he set Kurapika off, so he changed the topic. "Sea sick huh? Remember that boat trip before the hunter exam? We went through that storm, and you couldn't even be bothered." Leorio said. 

Kurapika chuckled softly, "Yeah. And we got in that big fight and almost went overboard." Kurapika added. Leorio laughed at the memory, "I forgot about that!" Leorio exclaimed. "How could you, Mr. Leorio?" Kurapika mocked. 

Leorio rolled his eyes and smirked. He forgot the whole reason they got into that big fight was because Kurapika refused to call him 'Mr. Leorio'. What a stupid reason to be fighting. They forgive each other the morning after, and that's how they became friends. 

"I miss that..." Leorio whispered, but received no response. He looked next to him, and saw Kurapika sleeping peacefully on his shoulder. He watched silently, and felt Kurapika's warm breaths seep through the fabric in his sleeve. It gave him goosebumps, but in a good way. 

He forgot how much he missed Kurapika, and how well they fit together even though they were polar opposites.

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