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dylan's pov

I bite my lip to keep my ridiculous smile at bay. "You mean it?"

"Of course I do, Dyl. It's always been you and me."

The excitement rises up in my body. I've waited so long for this. "So this is it, then? We're gonna do this? For real this time?"

"For real this time," He confirms.

I grab his face and pull him in to kiss me. His lips move with mine, his tongue slipping into my mouth. I want to be closer to him but the stupid center console is in the way. Luckily he reads my mind and pulls away slightly. "You know, you can come over here, if you want," His low voice breathes.

As gracefully as I can, I climb over the center console and Harry helps situate me so I'm straddling his lap. His green eyes look up into mine and he smiles softly, "Hi."

The corners of my mouth turn up as my fingers trace his jawline. I lean back down and connect our lips again. The sounds of our breathing mix with the sound of Arctic Monkeys' AM album playing over his stereo and, God, it sounds beautiful.

We kiss and we kiss and we kiss until the windows fog and we're both panting. I grind my hips into his and he let's out a deep moan that makes my stomach flip. Harry brings out a side in me that no one else ever really has. In my past relationships the guy was always always wanting things to go farther than I was. It's not that I wasn't attracted to them, I just always had a clear head with them. A clear enough head that I never let myself just get carried away.

But with Harry... it's like this insane chemistry that clouds my brain and causes my body to just react before even thinking about it. Look, I'm not saying I'm gonna throw my virginity at him, but God, is it tempting.

Harry's right hand slips under my shirt and grabs my chest over my bra. I sigh into his mouth and his left hand's grip on my hip tightens ever so slightly. He bites down on my bottom lip lightly, tugging and sucking on it. He disconnects his mouth from mine and moves to my neck, planting wet kisses all down the side of it.

"Harry," I breathe, trying to regain the right headspace to stop before we go too far.

Harry pulls away immediately, looking at me with a question in his eyes. "Everything okay?"

"Um," I squeeze my eyes shut in an attempt to clear the lust that's heavy in the air. "Yeah, I just don't want to get carried away." I tell him quietly.

He places his hands on my denim-covered thighs, slowly rubbing them up and down. He's nodding in understanding. "Do you wanna set some boundaries right now? So I know what you're comfortable with and I don't unintentionally push you into doing anything you're not ready for."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and nod. No guy has ever responded this well to me asking to take things slow. Not that any of them forced me or even really tried to force me into anything. But they definitely were not this understanding.

But now I have to actually use cringey make out terms to describe what I'm comfortable with.

"Like, I'm obviously okay with making out and everything. And really pretty much everything over the clothes. Like um... grinding and stuff?" I can feel my face heat up. Why is this embarrassing?

A light laugh escapes Harry. "You don't have to be embarrassed, baby. They're just words."

I throw my head back in exaggerated exasperation. "But they're just such stupid words," I groan.

Harry chuckles. "As you were saying...."

"Right. Um, yeah that's pretty much it. I just don't really want to go farther than like grinding and over the clothes touching," I tell him.

"Was me grabbing your tit okay?" He asks, genuine concern that he may have gone too far showing in his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," I say quickly. "Um, I guess under the shirt, over the bra would be a better way for me to explain it." Don't start overexplaining and rambling, I tell myself. But it's too late. "It's just like, sex is a really big deal to me and like, even the hand stuff and the head stuff and the naked stuff just is all really overwhelming, you know? Like it's all so personal and raw and just intense. Like I know everyone feels differently about it but for me, personally... it's like I don't wanna do any of it until I'm ready to just go all the way. Obviously I'm not speaking from experience or anything, but... to me it all seems just as personal as the real thing. So I don't wanna do any of it with someone I wouldn't do all of it with."

In this moment I become hyper aware that I am still straddling Harry and Harry is looking at me like I just started speaking Creole. I shake my head. "I'm so sorry, that probably didn't make any sense and I probably just sound really weird! I just wanted you to know where I'm coming fro-"

I'm cut off by Harry kissing me. The kiss is deep and long. When he pulls away, he just places his hand on my cheek. "Nothing to apologize for, darling. I like hearing how you feel about things. Please always tell me how you feel about things." His voice then gets quieter. "I just want to make sure you know that I have done those things before. Because I think it's important we're both completely transparent with each other."

"Yeah, I mean I kind of assumed you had done everything, most people around our age have. And that's totally fine, I'm not going to hold that against you in any way, of course. That would be completely unfair of me," I say.

"Just making sure," He says. "Because you're right, it is intense and it is personal. So we can go as slow as you want, Dylan."

I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist. "Thank you," I mumble into his hair.

He rubs my back. "Nothing to thank me for."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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